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Re: Man this is nucking futs 

By: micro1 in POPE IV | Recommend this post (1)
Sun, 09 Oct 16 10:15 PM | 31 view(s)
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Msg. 11918 of 47202
(This msg. is a reply to 11894 by Decomposed)

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It was just the cheapy keyboard they sent with it. I have this one from a new computer I threw out the window LOL

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Re: Man this is nucking futs
By: Decomposed
Sun, 09 Oct 16 5:35 PM
Msg. 11894 of 47202

So you'll be returning your new computer, I assume?

When my last personal desktop died, I found a good deal on a killer shelf unit at Best Buy. It wasn't even a refurb. It had just been up and running on their shelf for the last six months. They boxed it up and I took it home, only to find after I powered it up that it didn't match its specs. Not even close. Half the memory, a different CPU, etc. I went back to the store. They apologized and told me that they'd sold my computer to someone else.

They offered me the same discount on another computer that wasn't as good. I wasn't thrilled, but I bought it, took it home and found that the DVD drive didn't work. I didn't fight with them on that. My old computer had a working drive so I swapped it out and kept the new machine. IT's not bad, but the one I was initially trying to buy was REALLY hot.

When I bought a refurbed laptop from woot (which is part of Amazon) there was SOMETHING wrong with it. I don't remember what, but I had to return it. That, too, bummed me out since it was a Windows 7 laptop and woot didn't have any others. The laptop I ended up with... the one I use today... came with Windows 8.

One of the things that really annoys me with computers today is all the different behaviors they have even though they're all Windows. I've got a personal laptop, a work laptop, a personal desktop and a work desktop. Four computers. They run three different versions of Windows, three different Office suites, three different browsers, FOUR different keyboards, two different types of mice. Then there are my wife's two computers, and my son's two computers. Different applications on the machines at work. Features locked down on the machines at work. Firewalls that affect internet behavior depending on whether I'm at home or at work. Endlessly changing security settings used on the machines at work.

Password requirements at work used to be 6 characters with a certain amount of variety. Then they had to be 8 characters with some letters from three out of four different sets, and changed every 90 days. Then 8 characters. Then 12 characters, and changed every 60 days, with only a certain number of characters repeated from prior passwords. Then a password and a certificate. Then a PIV card and PIN. When using the work laptop at home, I have to authenticate with a PIV card, a PIN and a token.

The differences are annoying, especially to old farts like me who've done all this twenty different ways over the years and have tons of mental clutter to contend with.

The old ways weren't all inferior, either. Microsoft's mission to make everything so easy that any idiot can use their products has cost many of the products their best features. I remember when Microsoft Paint used to be able to rotate an image by any number of degrees, not just 90, 180 and 270. The OS used at work USED to have superior search and history options available from the Start menu (and if 'Start' wasn't the stupidest misnomer of all time, then I don't know what tops it. The most commonly performed task from 'Start' is a system shutdown. But I probably shouldn't go there since some brainiac at Microsoft then decided to get rid of the Start menu, only to change their minds in a later version and put it back in.) The disk defragger used to show progress block-by-block. I *still* load some of my Windows 2000 applications onto new computers since they're better than any of the comparably priced applications. The ones you can't find at Best Buy anymore.

I could go on and on about the things that computers used to do but can't anymore. Very annoying. Good luck with your new machine. It will probably irritate you in a hundred different ways. 

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