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The Golden Thread

Founded in August 2003, the Golden Thread is a rapidly growing, feature-filled forum for people all over the world seeking a comfortable and easy way to discuss their favorite topics. The Golden Thread is especially known for its speed and efficiency and above all its free!

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Recent Hot Posts
Title Num. recos Poster Board
Democrat woketards imagine problems and all t 5 Beldin GRITZ
It’s Official: Trump Now Has Hottest Cabine 5 De_Compose GRITZ
Re: BREAKING: Jack Smith files to drop Jan. 6 5 Beldin GRITZ
Re: Happy Thanksgiving 5 Beldin GRITZ
Re: Re : Top Military Generals 4 ribit GRITZ
Re: Daniel Penny manslaughter charge dismisse 4 Beldin GRITZ
House Report Finds (Nearly) Every COVID-19 †4 De_Compose GRITZ
Read it and weep: What will be impacted by Tr 4 zzstar FFT4
Biden’s Hunter pardon. 4 zzstar FFT4
Recommended Books and Links

Here are some favorite books and links recommended by our members:

  1. "Pocket Ref" Thomas J. Glover [wellfkme]
  2. "Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook" Piven & Borgenicht [wellfkme]
  3. Stock Research and Investor Education Centre [Shrewd Dude]
  4. "Trading for a Living", Dr. Alexander Elder. [smckay]
  5. "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator", Edwin Lefevre. [smckay]
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