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Okay ... let's get something straight ... none of the inalienable rights listed by the U.S. Constitution include ... 

By: Beldin in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 02 Sep 17 3:45 AM | 194 view(s)
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... any "right" to be a self-absorbed, lazy, good-for-nothing pansy and mandate that everyone else is required to celebrate your pathetic worthlessness.

Two articles for your consideration, below: 

Academics Discover New Way To Get Offended: "Invisibility Microaggressions"


Two professors claim to have discovered a new form of politically incorrect offense called "invisibility microaggressions," which are said to be even more subtle than regular microaggressions. Their proposed solution for these offenses is to get rid of meritocracy. {Hmmm ... if "microaggressions" are so infinitesimal such that, for all practical purposes, they do not actually exist at all (which they don't, in the real world, by the way), then what does it say about their supposed existence if they also become invisible, eh? Rolling Eyes}

In social justice jargon, a "microaggression" is when someone - say a white person - asks an Asian person where they're from. While the question isn't offensive in and of itself, the act of asking a person who may get the same question repeatedly throughout the week can be annoying and therefore offensive. {Actually, the more definitive meaning for "microaggression" is a pathetically, lame excuse invented in the fevered minds of highly insecure, indolent people so they can claim some feeble, nonexistent form of victimhood from which they hope to disingenuously shame their personal enemies and, at the same time, bask in the "glory" of insincere, public accolades and receive other goodies. Sorry ... these dingbats are university professors, so I had to use a lot of ten-dollar words.}

Campus Reform reported on Thursday that a recent study by two professors, Jasmine Mena, who teaches psychology at Bucknell University, and Annemarie Vaccaro of the University of Rhode Island, claim that they are the first academics to discover that "invisibility" is a form of microaggressions not previously described in feminist academia.

"There is a growing body of literature that suggests invisibility is a common form of exclusion - or microaggression," Mena and Vaccaro say. "However, no studies have focused deeply on the ways women faculty and staff experience invisibility microaggressions on college campuses." {Well, professors ... the main reason for that is because "invisible microaggressions" literally do not exist. But, I'm sure you will overlook that salient FACT in your breathless pursuit of your very own special brand of victimhood, don'tcha know!}

The two professors interviewed 13 non-white women at "predominantly white institutions" and found five different forms of "invisibility microaggressions." Three were "environmental" and two were "interpersonal." {Actually, ladies ... and I use that term very loosely ... your only true complaint is that you, and other harpies like you, are roundly ignored ... especially by men who you secretly and desperately want to be ravaged by ... because you are loud, obnoxious, spiteful, dopey, bitter, butt-ugly hags. You are naturally spurned by those around you because of YOUR very own nasty attitudes and behavior. In truth, you are NOT the victim ... you're the odious, rancid fart in a closed room.}

Publishing their findings in the NASPA {Oooh ... NASPA ... Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education ... "sounds" very "prestigious." Shocked Rolling Eyes Laughing} Journal About Women In Higher Education on Aug. 29, the professors claim that the environment-based "invisibility microaggressions" occur when they are "among the few, or only" non-whites in a workplace or communal context. {Damn crackers ... those whiteys are to blame for why everyone is treating me like I have body odor ... NOT because I haven't taken a bath in a week, of course!}

Meanwhile, interpersonal "invisibility microaggressions" are said to hinder non-white people in "everyday work roles" because their ethnicity or gender is being ignored or because they don't see other non-white people there. {Ah, the old "I'm a victim of insecurity because of my own inherent, debilitating insecurities" gambit, eh? Rolling Eyes}

The participants reported "campus invisibility," where non-white faculty members say they experienced invisibility for being one of the few non-white faculty members on campus. {Hmmm ... would you feel better if the white faculty members took turns putting on black-face or would you rather all of the white faculty members simply drop dead? Somehow, I suspect that you prefer the latter.}

Unlike regular microaggressions, which require at least two parties for them to occur, invisibility microaggressions only needs for one person to feel invisible in an environment. A lone black person among a sea of white faces could qualify as one of these invisibility microaggressions - especially if he or she isn't singled out for being black. But if that happens, then it can possibly be a macroaggression.

The professors say that the only way to deal with invisibility microaggressions is for campuses and workplaces to single out minorities and shower them with positive attention, to make them feel less invisible. {Ah yes ... enter the utterly undeserved accolades and goodies simply for NOT being a cracker! Wow, ladies ... what a deal! You don't even have to get off your fat asses or anything ... you want ... no - DEMAND ... that you be adored and worshipped simply because you are YOU. Astounding ... astoundingly moronic!}

Rather than commend them on the merits of their work like any other employee, the professors suggest deliberately selecting non-white women for high-profile awards and celebrate them on alumni magazines, newsletters, and other materials. {You rode Affirmative Action into the university as a student, and now you want to continue to ride Affirmative Action to stay at the university as an idiotic "professor" of a bogus program of educational "study." Rolling Eyes}

The professors also recommend that campus leaders "must be especially vigilant in considering and recommending Women of Color for leadership roles." {Oh, yeah ... and don't forget to meekly turn over the reins of power, too, eh? Rolling Eyes}

Now this one is SO pathetic that it is downright hilarious! 

Ole Miss Greek Life Retreat Canceled After Banana Peel Found in Tree


A Greek life retreat scheduled to take place at the University of Mississippi was cut short last weekend after a banana peel was found hanging in a tree on campus.

Student Ryan Swanson admitted to tossing his banana peel into a nearby tree after he was unable to locate a garbage can. Shortly after he disposed of the peel, it was spotted by Alpha Kappa Alpha President Makala McNeil, a leader of one of the school's historically black sororities.

Despite Swanson's explanation, a report from the student newspaper claims that students left the retreat in tears after finding out that McNeil has discovered the peel. McNeil claims the students "didn't feel welcome" or "safe" on campus. {REALLY? REALLY ... TRULY?! You frail, lil' pansies fell apart and experienced a personal meltdown because of a ... a ... a ... a ... wait for it ... a BANANA PEEL???!!! WTF!!!!!! Hey, Makala ... do yourself a BIG favor ... if you're gonna suffer an emotional and mental disintegration over a banana peel ... save yourself from future years and years of agonizing pain and suffering ... shoot yourself in the head, now.}

"To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at IMPACT," Interim Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Alexa Lee Arndt said in a statement that was published by Ole Miss' student newspaper The Daily Mississippian. "Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi."

"The overall tone was heavy. I mean, we were talking about race in Mississippi and in the Greek community so there's a lot involved," McNeil recalled, later adding that she and her friend were "all just sort of paranoid for a second" after spotting the banana.

Swanson offered an apology, despite maintaining that his disposal of the peel was entirely innocent. "Although unintentional, there is no excuse for the pain that was caused to members of our community," he said. "I have much to learn and look forward to doing such and encourage all members of our community to do the same." {The ONLY thing you need to apologize for Ryan is for littering ... and even THAT is heavily mitigated by the undeniable FACT that a banana peel is certainly biodegradable.}


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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