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Gathering Storms And Threats to Liberty 

By: monkeytrots in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (1)
Mon, 21 Aug 17 10:17 AM | 183 view(s)
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Not Good- I Predict Armed Civil War within Six Months.
Posted here because we truly are in the middle of a grave Constitutional Crisis.


Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, August 18, 2017 at 7:40pm

Antifa joining the political Resistance, Internet access denial at the gateway level, and Social Justice restrictions on Free Speech

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We’re living in a very dangerous time.

Several things are coming together that pose a serious threat to the liberty of anyone who is right-of-center.

While there are many factors at work, I’ve been focused in recent days on three: (1) Antifa becoming a part of the anti-Trump Resistance; (2) politically-motivated denial of access to the internet at the gatekeeper level; and (3) attempts to weaken free speech protections in the name of social justice.

1. Antifa and The Resistance are getting ready to fight fight.

The neo-Nazi / White Supremacist march in Charlottesville and the killing of Heather Heyer have provided the excuse to expand a violent movement that existed long prior to Trump’s election victory.

Recall that anti-Trump riots erupted during the campaign, with Chicago being the most notorious. There have been many other physical attacks by “Black Bloc” anarchists and Marxists. Those Black Bloc street thugs have rebranded as Antifa, and they are moving from the extreme fringe to the street muscle for the anti-Trump Resistance.

A.P. Dillon at American Lens provides a good summary of the A No White-Wash Look at Black Bloc:

Modern Black Bloc ideology is based on a blending of Anarchism and Marxist-Leninist theories. Black Bloc, being rooted in a hybrid of anarchism and Marxist-Leninist , believe that all government is slavery. Freedom can only be achieved through anarchy.

The Marxist portion seems to draw from what was known as Autonomism or Autonomist Marxism. Autonomism include anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian themes and class struggle is its core.

Autonomist Marxists believe that the working class can go around unions, political parties and state entities to effect change. This form of Marxism employs tactics like sabotage in the workplace, property damage and encouraging skipping work as methods to ‘fight capitalism’. This type of Marxism, like all other forms of Marxism, failed not long after it sprang up in Italy and France during the 1960’s.

According to a document called the Black Bloc Papers, written by anarchists David Van Deusen and Xavier Massot, Black Bloc believes its purpose is to be a tool through which any given protest is ‘escalated to the next level’.

By ‘next level’, Black Bloc believes that by employing violent tactics such as assault, arson and destroying property, it is the government or state that will end up being exposed as the real perpetrator of violence.

(language warning) http://youtu.be/ZgITkzi4GNc

Dillon describes Black Bloc tactics:

[/i]Black Bloc is not a randomly occurring phenomenon. They are organized and trained in a military style fashion.

Every event where Black Bloc has shown up was coordinated and participants all belonged to a sort of squad they refer to as an “Affinity Group”. Each Affinity Group has a responsibility and position to cover during the protest and ensuing riot.

They employ a platoon-like hierarchy structure that includes what is referred to a “general tactical facilitation core” or g-tacs for short. The g-tacs are the Black Bloc members in charge on the ground of their particular Affinity Group.

The g-tacs set themselves up near the perimeter of the action with one or two members of their Affinity Group close by for support.Affinity groups are made up individuals with set directives and roles, such a communications, medical aid and of course, those concentrating on property damage, vandalism and engaging law enforcement.

In this way, the g-tacs is much like a general sitting on the edge of the battlefield directing attacks, conducting reconnaissance and relaying intel to their troops.

The various Affinity Groups are given assignments and positions to cover. Often several separate Affinity Groups will be positioned together in a “cluster.”

Black Bloc participants train on their own and in groups. 


In February 2017, The L.A. Times profiled the connection between Black Bloc and the anti-Trump Resistance, Inside the black bloc militant protest movement as it rises up against Trump:

The movement first made its presence felt in California more than two decades ago, then built its forces amid the protests against the Iraq war.

Out of the sea of largely peaceful antiwar demonstrators marching in San Francisco’s Financial District in 2003, a more militant subgroup emerged. Its members wore black masks, black jackets, black hoods and helmets. They smashed windows and looted military recruitment offices.

Since then, the so-called black bloc protesters have become a force in the Bay Area and beyond. They have been blamed for violence during protests in Oakland over corporate power and police abuse, notably the case of Oscar Grant, an unarmed black man who was killed by BART police in 2009.

Scorned by critics on both the left and right and hunted by police, the black bloc is bringing its radical tactics to the massive protest movement sparked by the presidency of Donald Trump.

The masked militants went fist to fist with neo-Nazis at the state Capitol in June, where five of their allies were stabbed. Black bloc tactics also dogged Trump’s inaugural ceremonies in Washington, leaving broken windows, vandalized banks and a torched limo.

And early this month on the UC Berkeley campus, black bloc militants tore down police barricades, broke windows, started a fire and assaulted Trump supporters.

The NY Times reports, ‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right (emphasis added):

he term, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist,” describes the loose affiliation of radical activists who have surfaced in recent months at events around the country and have openly scuffled with white supremacists, right-wing extremists and, in some cases, ordinary supporters of President Trump. Energized in part by Mr. Trump’s election, they have sparred with their conservative opponents at political rallies and college campus speaking engagements, arguing that one crucial way to combat the far right is to confront its supporters on the streets.

Unlike most of the counterdemonstrators in Charlottesville and elsewhere, members of antifa have shown no qualms about using their fists, sticks or canisters of pepper spray to meet an array of right-wing antagonists whom they call a fascist threat to American democracy. As explained this week by a dozen adherents of the movement, the ascendant new right in the country requires a physical response.

“People are starting to understand that neo-Nazis don’t care if you’re quiet, you’re peaceful,” said Emily Rose Nauert, a 20-year-old antifa member who became a symbol of the movement in April when a white nationalist leader punched her in the face during a melee near the University of California, Berkeley.

“You need violence in order to protect nonviolence,” Ms. Nauert added. “That’s what’s very obviously necessary right now. It’s full-on war, basically.”

As the times further reports, Antifa is becoming the muscle for other movements:

Driven by a range of political passions — including anticapitalism, environmentalism, and gay and indigenous rights — the diverse collection of anarchists, communists and socialists has found common cause in opposing right-wing extremists and white supremacists. In the fight against the far right, antifa has allied itself at times with local clergy, members of the Black Lives Matter movement and grass-roots social-justice activists. It has also supported niche groups like Black Bloc fighters, who scrapped with right-wing forces in Berkeley this year, and By Any Means Necessary, a coalition formed more than two decades ago to protest California’s ban on affirmative action for universities.

This is consistent with what I wrote about yesterday, how anti-Israel pro-BDS professors are building a nationwide campus network, Anti-Israel pro-BDS profs organizing Antifa campus network

We have seen what Antifa is capable of in Berkeley, Seattle, Portland and elsewhere.

The teaming of the BDS and Antifa movements is the single most dangerous development I have witnessed in the many years I have been covering campus BDS. Antifa will give BDS even more muscle to intimidate and threaten those who oppose the BDS agenda.

That Antifa will spread its violence is shown by what happened in Seattle the same weekend as Charlottesville. Michael Kochin writes:

…if you want to know what really happened in Charlottesville on Saturday, you need to look at what happened in Seattle on Sunday.

In Seattle, a mainstream pro-Trump group called Patriot Prayer held a small rally downtown. Their organizer, Joey Gibson, addressed his crowd in these words, as reported by David Kroman and Lily Fowler:

“We have to find a way to come together, stop the fighting, stop the yelling,” Gibson said, denouncing the violence in Charlottesville. “There’s good and bad people on the right. There’s good and bad people on the left. We need to get the good people together.” Mr. Gibson the offered his mike to whoever wanted to speak: some echoed his message, other opposed it.

In Seattle, as in Charlottesville, the Left was no mood for Sunday school. The counterdemonstrators repeatedly clashed with police, trying to force their way through the police line in order to attack the pro-Trump demonstrators.

From extreme fringe to mainstream Resistance heros, Black Bloc now rebranded as Antifa, will be a presence on the political left in cities and on campuses.

And they are preparing to fight fight, not just politically fight.[i]

2. Internet Freedom At Risk at Gatekeeper Level
3. Scaling Back Free Speech Protections In The Name of Social Justice

Conclusion – It’s Different This Time

There certainly are other political issues that are contributing to this gathering storm, but that’s politics.

After 10 months of Resistance to Trump since Election Night, there has been an unyielding attempt to paralyze the administration. The Trump administration’s disorganization and Trump’s mercurial personality certainly have contributed to this situation. But that’s politics.

The factors I raise above are beyond politics. They are about our liberty — on the street exercising our free speech rights, accessing the internet to communicate our ideas, and preserving the protections of the First Amendment and free speech.

It’s a dangerous time.

[Featured Image: Attack on Student Center protesting Milo Yiannopoulos, Berkeley]

Pretty freaking grim - go to the article for Sections 2 &


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