Replies to Msg. #982836
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
21040 Re: Mr. Wizard
   micro, You are much too kind, sir. All I can say is that I am ho...
Beldin   CONSTITUTION   05 Dec 2016
10:32 PM
21029 Re: Mr. Wizard
   Thank you Micro, you're swelling my head, don't ya know. Good to see y...
lkorrow   CONSTITUTION   04 Dec 2016
11:36 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Mr. Wizard

Sun, 04 Dec 16 5:57 AM
Msg. 21026 of 21975
Jump to msg. #  

This board is such a nice sight and pleasant to read yet again!

It has been graced with the presence of LINDA Korrow and marvelous writing skills and insights as well as yourself and Zimmy!

So nice to see this board active once again!

Now then, what Constitutional MATTER do we want to talk about??

The Founders, the framers, the actual document, the Bill of Rights, the amendments ????
This can be a GREAT board!!!

Very excited to have BOTH yourself and Lady Korrow back again!!