Replies to Msg. #982516
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
21032 Re: WOW - talk about hateful and completely intolerant!
   >> The intolerant a-holes then try to use this sermon of the Gaines'...
Zimbler0   CONSTITUTION   04 Dec 2016
8:23 PM
21017 Re: WOW - talk about hateful and completely intolerant!
   There are enough of us that enjoy watching Chip and Joanna that the fe...
micro   CONSTITUTION   01 Dec 2016
5:35 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

WOW - talk about hateful and completely intolerant!

Thu, 01 Dec 16 3:06 AM
Msg. 21016 of 21975
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The Fixer Upper stars are victims of hateful intolerance from homosexual-adoring shills in the lamestream media.

Okay, let me get this straight:

1. Chip & Joanna Gaines have made no public pronouncements, whether inside or outside of their show, regarding politics, in general, or their stance on homosexual marriage, specifically.

2. Some intolerant a-holes in the lamestream media believe it is their right to FORCE the Gaines to publicly proclaim their personal views on homosexual marriage.

3. Because the Gaines have so far decided not to publicly express any opinions on the matter, these intolerant a-holes comb through the sermons of the pastor of the Church in which the Gaines are members and find one where the pastor properly states that homosexuality is a sin.

4. The intolerant a-holes then try to use this sermon of the Gaines' pastor to force the Gaines into publicly expressing their personal views on homosexual marriage, and clearly indicate that, if the Gaines do not agree 110% with their homosexual-adoring viewpoint, the show and the business enterprise of the Gaines should be boycotted until they are publicly "shamed" into recanting their "heresy" against PC thought.

One particular Nazi tweeted: "If Chip and Joanna Gaines end up being anti-LGBT, I am cancelling my mag subscription and ignoring their show." No loss there. Good riddance.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence