Replies to Msg. #1189583
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
23900 Re: The things I like about this place . . .
   ZIM In your poist a the end you said [color=blue]If one wants me t...
micro   6TH POPE   14 Sep 2021
2:44 PM
23889 Re: The things I like about this place . . .
ribit   6TH POPE   14 Sep 2021
1:12 AM
23886 Re: The things I like about this place . . .
   ZIM you said this: [b][color=red]And now. We have Micro peeved becau...
micro   6TH POPE   14 Sep 2021
12:45 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

The things I like about this place . . .

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE
Tue, 14 Sep 21 12:07 AM
Msg. 23885 of 53280
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Why do I like it here? Well, we have a diverse group of people who will try and help each other out with knowledge and sometimes more. And I like to think this group is dedicated to finding the truth.

We do not ban folks just because they do not believe the same things. I like getting different perspectives on things. Maybe what I want to believe is not quite right. Maybe there is evidence that says something is different than I thought. With folks who look at things in different ways at least I can get exposed to other view-points.

Yes. I have espoused things that others thought was wrong. At least a couple of times somebody (usually Decomposed) shot me down . . . It hurts to think one was wrong . . . But if one is honest one will at least listen to the opposing viewpoint, ponder the meanings of things . . . and, if necessary, change ones viewpoint. Or dig up more evidence and try to change the others viewpoint.

But the Truth is the single most important thing.

What I don't like about Pffffft? With them it is their way or the highway. No dissenting opinions will be tolerated. No discussions seeking the truth occur in there. Worse, from what I see most of the time they are just plain wrong.

And now. We have Micro peeved because some of us refuse to believe his cherished belief that the government toppled the twin towers on 9-11. And Nemo is peeved because he found out that some of us believe his 'gospel truth' sites are fountains of misinformation.

With the exception of doing the cyber-space equivalent of pooping on the pool table this forum allows most anything and every viewpoint to be expressed. And I see that as a good thing.

When something is posted a body has three options. One can simply ignore it and go on. (Which I frequently do with what Nemo posts – usually I read the headline, decide it doesn't interest or intrigue me, and move on.) One can agree with it – and say so. Or even do a search for supporting evidence. (Which I have also done on something Nemo posted at least twice.) Or one can decide to disagree, and post the why or how that causes one to disagree.

Disagreement opens the door for debate. I see it as an open invitation to voice my opinion. And I see it as an opportunity to learn other factors, facts, and eventually more of the Truth in the matter.

Truth is the most important thing.

Feel free to ignore what comes next.

If one wants me to believe the government toppled the twin towers on 9-11 there two major factors that will have to be addressed. The first and most obvious – there is no doubt two jet-liners were flown into the world trade center on 9-11. Why couldn't the carnage inflicted have brought down the building?

The second? Entertaining the notion that explosives were used to bring down the world trade center . . . Who planted the explosives? When? Any idea how many people it would have taken? Who and how was it paid for?



Mad Poet Strikes Again.