Replies to Msg. #1103924
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
43279 Re: COMEY: If Trump Wins Again, I'm Moving to New Zealand...
ribit   POPE 5   27 Oct 2019
11:52 PM
43273 Re: COMEY: If Trump Wins Again, I'm Moving to New Zealand...
   >>> comey said: " I think the American people are alert to the threat...
Zimbler0   POPE 5   27 Oct 2019
7:55 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

COMEY: If Trump Wins Again, I'm Moving to New Zealand...

By: Decomposed in POPE 5
Sun, 27 Oct 19 2:50 AM
Msg. 43195 of 62138
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Okay, James. Then America's leaders can't be people who say "If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period" - when that's not what's coming. Or who say "I am an American Indian" when she isn't. Or who say "I did not have sex with that woman" when he did. Or who say "I will close Guantanamo Bay" when he isn't going to. Or who say "A movie made in California caused it" when 4 Americans are murdered in Libya. Or who campaign on a promise to have all health care reform negotiations broadcast on C-SPAN then conduct the negotiations in secret. Or who say "I'm not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette" when that's exactly what she's doing. Or who say she was fired from her first teaching job in 1971 because she was pregnant when she actually resigned because the job bored her. Or who say that he and his son did nothing wrong in Ukraine and China when they made millions through influence peddling. Or who say there were no classified e-mails among the tens of thousands she intentionally and illegally failed to protect... when there were thousands. Or who say she is not a socialist - when her platform is virtually identical to that of the declared Socialist. Or who claim to love America, but plan to do everything possible to change its most basic principles and debate on a stage that, by design, has no American flag.
October 26, 2019


‘Our leaders cannot be people who lie all the time’

by Tom Elliott


WALLACE: "There was recently a New York Times article — I don’t want to summarize it, but you are standing in your living room in the picture. You talk about your life and what you want for the country and for the end of this presidency. Do you wanted to come sooner than later?"

COMEY: "Change in the administration? Yes. I am optimistic that even if there is not in impeachment proceeding, the American people are going to pass judgment on what kind of country we want to be. We have strong disagreement on policy grounds. I don’t care what your views are. Her pew articulate and defend and listen. That’s important. But we have something in common and I said it with the first question you asked. We have a set of values that hold this place together. I tried to explain to kids something that most of you know, we shouldn’t exist. We don’t have the normal human glue that holds a country together. Common ancestry, language, faith. We have nothing in common except a set of values. That is the glue that holds Republicans, Democrats, independents together. I think the American people are alert to the threat that is above our policy disagreements. Guns are important. Immigration, abortion, taxes. Above that is something we have in common. Our leaders cannot be people who lie all the time. They just can’t. I hope people see that is true whether they are Republicans or Democrats."


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months