Replies to Msg. #1026407
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
08019 Re: Global Warming ...
   Update. I got the truck dug out, filled it with gas and bought three...
Zimbler0   HOOTERS   06 Jan 2018
5:48 AM
08016 Re: Global Warming ...
   Woof! What a day you had! Ever consider putting cables or chains o...
Beldin   HOOTERS   06 Jan 2018
1:29 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Global Warming ...

By: Zimbler0 in HOOTERS
Fri, 05 Jan 18 6:08 AM
Msg. 08010 of 11350
(This msg. is a reply to 07987 by Beldin)
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Not funny . . .
That almost happened to me today.
It snowed a LOT last night . . and I had to go to work today . .
And the parking lot where I work had a very slick street . . .

To top off my bad day today, last year my idiot would-be-son-in-law
borrowed my snow shovel (and broke it) so I could not find it this morning.
I almost got stuck at the base of my driveway, but I got out and made it to work.
Where I got stuck in the parking lot. I used a company show shovel
and dug my truck out and got it safely into a parking slot. Boss man said
if I wanted to borrow a company shovel and take it home, it had to be
used (by me) . . . So I wound up clearing walk ways at work before coming
home. So I called home before leaving, and GirlFriend tells me
her daughter-in-law had no power and the idiot S.I.L.s van was stuck . . .
So I thought I'd get her, drive over to their place and take 'Tina' and the
two grand babies over here while idiot digs his van out . . . then she tells me
he was also out of gas. After digging the truck out of my driveway (where I
got stuck when I got home) we went over there, and found out they
had power and was cooking for the midgets.

So, back home again where I got the truck stuck (again) at the
start of her driveway. But it's out of the road so we went inside
and now I'm enjoying Mountain Dew and Peach Schnapps.

And, NO, I am not going anywhere tonight.
I don't think I'm going to work tomorrow (Boss man asked, another guy
can't make it in . . .) Hopefully tomorrow I'll use the company
snow shovel and get my drives shoveled then maybe I'll
go put gas in the truck and see if I can't buy another
show shovel.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.