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Fed-Up Dem Voters Tear Into Their Own Party 

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Fri, 12 May 17 1:23 AM | 81 view(s)
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May 10, 2017

Fed-Up Dem Voters Tear Into Their Own Party


A recent poll showed that roughly two-thirds of voters thought the Democrat Party was out of touch with average Americans, more than thought the same about the Republican Party or even President Donald Trump.

This prompted some on the left to devote a moment or two of introspection to figure out where their party went wrong, as exemplified in a piece in The Atlantic — but far too few seem to have received the message sent by voters.

“This should be a huge wake-up call,” Democrat Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan said. “Having two-thirds of the country think that your party is in la-la-land, that’s a bombshell. That should wake everybody up, and we should, as a party, be woken up already by the fact that people took a chance on Donald Trump.”

Thus, some on the left have gone directly to the voters to find out from them what they are doing wrong and how they can better re-connect, such as with the following clip from a panel discussion with Democrat voters from Pennsylvania held by CBS anchor John Dickerson.

“I think the Democrats, not only are they out of touch, they have no interest in correcting the situation,” said a man named Jerry, according to BizPac Review. “They’re not doing any postmortems. They’re writing off, ‘Well, we don’t own the White House because of Putin or because of WikiLeaks.’”

“What did WikiLeaks tell us, by the way?” he continued. “They — regardless of who was behind it — they confirmed that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment are liars. And that they had their thumb on the scale for — you know, for Hillary Clinton. Well, you know, so what are they basically saying? ‘If — if we hadn’t been caught lying, we’d be running the country right now.’”

Asked what Democrat narrative they had grown the most tired of, a woman named Barbara quickly pointed to the alleged Russian hacking/collusion story.

“That was one of the things that’s driving me absolutely mad,” said Barbara. “I think Russia has already been proven to not have had any impact on our elections. They did not, you know, drive from polling place to polling place and, you know, hoodwink the machines and whatever.”

“And so to try to keep going on, that really makes the Democrats look a little desperate,” she added later.

A man named Fred pointed to the seeming abandonment of the working class by the Dems as their biggest mistake.

“One thing I know people in my city are thinking about, and it’s what this whole country’s thinking about, when people are polled, the number one issue is jobs and the economy,” said Fred, according to BizPac Review. “And I think that’s one thing that the Democratic Party always talked about in the past. You know, they were supposed to be the party that represented the blue-collar workers.”

“And now, in this past election, you know, we didn’t hear anything about jobs. Trump was the one talking about jobs, about, you know, the outsourcing problem, bringing back jobs,” he continued.

“And I think one thing that the Democrats are so out of touch with America about is that you ask Democrats about jobs and what their solution is, and they have two solutions: Number one is raise taxes on the rich which, honestly, that does not create jobs. And number two thing they say is, ‘We need to raise the minimum wage.’ People in Reading, Pennsylvania, and everywhere don’t wanna work at McDonald’s their entire life,” Fred added.

Democrats would be wise to listen to what these self-proclaimed life-long Democrat voters are saying, but far too many of them have become entirely consumed by their vitriolic Trump Derangement Syndrome that they are unlikely to hear, much less actually take to heart, the common sense and reason emanating from the more moderate wing of their voting base.

As for conservatives and libertarians, we would be wise to simply stay out of the way of the Democrat Party right now and permit them to continue shooting themselves in the foot by writing off large swathes of the voting population in this vast, increasingly Republican country.



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