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Constitutional Convention - The Nature of Change - Part 2 of 3 

By: monkeytrots in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (4)
Fri, 24 Feb 17 6:28 AM | 126 view(s)
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Constitutional Convention - The Nature of Change - Part 2 of 3

Structural Change: Re-Establishing Authority and Responsibility

"Ignorance of the Law is no excuse."

Really ? With over 80,000 pages of REGULATIONS ... per year ... Can any sane person make that statement, today, with a straight face ?

Anyone with wise parents was taught that Authority and Responsibility go hand in hand.

Having read countless number of excusive-ists that claim to be 'constitutional scholars' claiming that Congress can legitimately 'delegate' its law-making Constitutionally granted power ... one word only suffices a full response; HorseCrap.

The Constitution grants to Congress ALONE the power to legislate. This power is explicitly excluded from the Executive branch, and addresses ONLY Congress as having this power. We, the people, have our freedom at stake in having ONLY those laws put in place to rule our lives that we can ALL agree on. When that law making power is handed off to people that we do not elect, we have become slaves.

That is what 'regulation' - through both executive agencies and non-elected legislative agencies has done to us. It has stripped US, the citizens of the United States, of the right to rule ourselves.

Congress not only was granted the sole authority to create laws, they were also given that responsibility - a responsibility that can not be assigned to someone else. That is a dictum that has long been accepted by our society and legal tradition - Responsibility may not be assigned.

Amendment: Congress Has the sole power to pass any laws. No regulations of non-elected bodies, no clarification of law by non-elected bodies, nor any other non-elected bodies attempt to bypass the sole law making authority and responsibility of the authority of law, shall have any force of law or be enforceable.

Regulations with the force of law; whether from Congress, the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch or any other government body, are strictly prohibited.

Only laws that are voted on by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the President, or in the event of a veto, are over-ridden by a two-thirds majority of both Houses of Congress, shall have any legal authority.

This amendment applies to all previous regulations, executive orders, foreign agreements not properly ratified in accord with this Constitution, and judicial guidance currently in existence.

Short, sweet, and to the point. The importance of this screeching halt Amendment is so self evident that further elaboration is deemed to be noise - but perhaps self study and introspection is needed by all individuals; by all means investigate the self evident nature of this absolute restriction.

Yes, this throws out over 90% of our legal "code".

Anarchy ? Hardly. Our backs have been broken, and the capacity of our minds to understand exceeded, for far too long by a government that has been out of control, and continues to be out of control.

Radical. Absolutely. "When in the course of human events ..." was radical also.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...

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