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Re: Need help reverting from WIndows 10 to Windows 7 

By: ribit in POPE IV | Recommend this post (3)
Sat, 15 Oct 16 9:30 PM | 44 view(s)
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Msg. 12212 of 47202
(This msg. is a reply to 12211 by Decomposed)

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Televisions last 15 years, but computers just two. What's up with that?

...moving parts in computer like the hard drive wear out. More TV's are tossed these days to get one with a better and better picture.

...if I was younger and better educated on computers I think I would set about developing an operating system that worked for the user rather than one that ignored the user in favor of it's own agenda which often is contrary to the wishes of the user.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Need help reverting from WIndows 10 to Windows 7
By: Decomposed
Sat, 15 Oct 16 9:25 PM
Msg. 12211 of 47202

re: "(No more windows 10 'I MUST update you whether you like it or not'.)"

Good post, Zimbler. I like my approach even better. I read about Windows 10 and recommended everyone avoid it in the first place! Quite a while ago, in fact.

Unfortunately, windows 10 or whatever its successor might be is inevitable. Microsoft will eventually discontinue support for the older operating systems and there will be no choice but to upgrade if you want patches for newly discovered weaknesses or you want new software to work. And our computers will break (have you noticed that they seem to die every two or three years? Televisions last 15 years, but computers just two. What's up with that?

I used to say that when I moved to NH, I'd set up a computer with Windows 2000 and run all my old software. I was happy with Windows 2000. But what I'd like to do isn't really possible. Where am I going to find all the old Windows-2000 hardware (drives, etc), or Windows 2000 drivers that will support modern hardware? I won't.

Linux is great in some ways, but frustrating in others. I'll probably wind up running two computers... one Linux and one Windows 10, with just one (Linux) able to get to the internet. And in a few more years, computers likely won't have their own storage. Everything will be on the cloud. What will I do then? Beats me. I never want to be on the cloud. Never. I'd rather have no computer at all.

FORTUNATELY, I'm building up quite a collection of old computers. I might have enough to keep me going for the rest of my life. We'll see. 

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