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Stolen brokerage account

By: Yossel in TO WHOM... | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 14 May 12 5:02 AM | 319 view(s)
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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your golf partner for trying to do something about the breach of my brokerage firm's security system where members of the CNBC financial team obtained a copy of my account or however else they did it.

It pains me to see that they are treating the incident not as a crime but rather as a prank by a bunch of college kids. Joe Kernen got a week off. He returned and told his viewers that he was on vacation. In other words, sir, he was rewarded for committing a crime. Sue Herera also got a week off along with Michelle Caruso-Cabrara. Michelle had the audacity to pretend that she had worked during that time even though she obviously was on some kind of suspension. Carl Quintanilla and Jim Cramer were also involved. Truly wonderful, sir. I guess at Comcast they're giving people vacation for committing crimes. A bonus. Break into an account and try to extort the worksheet from someone who posts. I hope I'm using the proper terminology.

Jim has gone to the point of telling me that I must hand over my worksheet and how I compute my numbers. He even offered to trade my account for me. One of the Najarian brothers said you don't sit on the fence until someone comes and knocks you off the fence with a 2x4. I have to trade my stocks. Great message for a 69 year old to get when he's doing voluntary work for....

Michelle sent me a message that I was too far ahead of the rest of them. The implication was quite clear that since they can't do what I do, I must be doing something illegal. This from one of the people who gained access and reviewed my account without my permission. Unless the permission was granted by you or your predecessor. There's hardly a day that I'm posting that she is not screaming into the microphone about who gave me permission to post on these boards.

You know, sir, I'm sorry that I have contributed my time, energy, and funds to help and please you and your predecessor. In America we obviously have a new set of norms. Forgive me sir, but I don't think this is a prank. I'm not an attorney but I know enough to know there was a crime committed here, a very serious crime. In fact, I believe that it is a federal crime. I am sure that it has not only been committed against me but other accounts as well. These perpetrators have been rewarded rather than admonished. Not one has been brought up on charges. At the very least they have committed the crime of theft. The company has acknowledged it by attempting to discipline them by giving them "vacation time." Why is it sir, that when it is a disadvantaged child commits a crime he goes to jail and they throw away the key, while these outstanding individuals are given vacations and then return and laugh at the victim? Breaching my account does not come under freedom of the press. If warranted, I am ready to file charges.

I believe that your golf partner should have advised Mr. Johnson of Fidelity regarding what transpired since other people's accounts have certainly also been breached. Out of decency Mr. Johnson of Fidelity should have been alerted for the sake of his other clients. As a matter of integrity and corporate responsibility at the very least Mr. Johnson should have been advised that individuals breached their security and obtained my brokerage account. In doing so they also obtained Barbara Kadish's and my wife's account and they too want to file charges. Neither of them post on the internet. I believe that tomorrow they are going to contact their legal plan for advice on how to proceed in this matter.

Kindly take note that Fidelity is one of the sponsors who advertise on CNBC and presents the 12:00 show. These people do not even respect their own advertisers as the statement they appropriated is from Fidelity.

Come to think of it, if they were given chips by your predecessor perhaps that's how they gained access to my account. My wife called Fidelity and spoke to the internet security department. They checked the activity on the account and advised her that all activity came from only one ISP address. However they only went back a short time. Melissa Lee had indicated that it occurred during Mark Haine's tenure.

Interestingly enough, these gentlemen are the ones who monitor the boards for infractions and legal misdemeanors to protect posters. In the case of Ron Insana, he goes back to the days when I used to post on Raging Bull. He took it upon himself to destroy that message board in an attempt to blame it on me or some other outsider who was posting. For after all, they believe that the boards are their personal domain. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for me, the matter was investigated by your predecessor and it was ascertained that it was he who was causing the destruction so he was terminated.

This should have been a tremendous experience and honor for me to post for two of the most eminent people in the world. Instead, CNBC has done all in its power to turn it into a nightmare.


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