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Re: Prayers needed

By: hydro_gen in WRGO | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 05 Dec 21 12:05 AM | 35 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Reality news,,,,,,,,
Msg. 18526 of 18626
(This msg. is a reply to 18524 by micro)

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THANKS Micro - we will be good regarding meds.

I have to disagree with your comment of "No such thing as a good pit bull" comment. You know in the last century they were referred to a Nanny Dogs and were highly coveted by wealthy people due to their protective nature.

HOW an animal is raised is the KEY to how the animal acts and interacts with people. Like fatherless children! I blame the RAP and THUG culture and it fits this case.

The son was the one who brought the animal to the household and the father (stepfather I believe) was the the CARELESS person who left the gate open to allow the animal out. I spoke with a neighbor who lives across the street from the animal and he told me today the father has let the animal loose several times and in fact the animal tried to bite him! Well the son was injured a few years back - I spoke with him Wednesday - he mentioned that he had to pay 65K in taxes on the settlement so that means he HAS MONEY. He is the reason the animal is in this area. I gave them the chance to get their dog back - animal control gave them their dog in LESS than 9 hours after attacking our dog - that is a WHOLE other issue that I will raise HELL about later. Below is the letter I dropped off on their front porch this afternoon:

We really hate to have had to meet this way.

We are glad that you were able to contact Animal Control and get your "Queen" returned!

Just to provide an update: Roxie's surgery went well yet she will have a long road to recovery. On Wednesday we were faced with three options. Put Roxie down, amputate her front right leg or have surgery to try to put her leg back together. Needless to say since Roxie is our little girl the first two options were immediately ruled out. Roxie has a cast on her surgically repaired front right leg, a negative gravity drain tube to drain fluid on her chest that has to be emptied daily and multiple puncture wounds that have been stapled and sutured. She lost all of her teeth from her canine to the back on the bottom right side of her mouth. She requires multiple medications and her recovery is estimated to take 12+/- weeks. She currently requires 24/7 care/observation and will never be the same yet we are committed to working with the veterinarian to help her recover as best as possible.

Roxie's next veterinarian visit will be this Thursday to hopefully remove the drain tube and multiple staples and sutures. Attached please find the first bill from Carolina Veterinarian Specialists for these procedures.

Your neighbors and Roxie's parents,

Anyhow - THANKS for the offer for meds. Roxie is improving - she is a tough pup for 12+/- years old yet the 24/7 supervision is taking a toll. I need to plant my garlic and SO MANY other things yet it is what it is right now.

Besides - GOD has this so I am good to go!!

Good games on the boob tube for a nice distraction. Bama is fighting the Dawgs tough and Cincy has their hands full with Houston right now! And sorry - seems like WFU has had a more difficult SOS than Cincy and they have a student population of 8700 vs 46K

Stay safe - stay FREE!!!



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Re: Prayers needed
By: micro
Fri, 03 Dec 21 11:32 PM
Msg. 18524 of 18626

iffen ya run out of either let me know. I have lots of leftover of BOTH of those that I do not use and are of no use to me. Plenty of meloxicam and gabapentin..

If yaa needs it let me know okay? Thumbs Up

As for the pit bull owner, there is a reason why one must keep that breed under very tight scrutiny as your poor best friend found out.. No such thing as a good Pit Bull.

You will have no choice likely but to file a case in small claims court and go there. More of your time lost when it should not have to be.

If they cannot afford renter's insurance they likely don't have in excess of 7 grand available either..

I am very saddened for the pain your pup is going through and could have all been avoided if the owner of the other animal had tied it, or made sure it could not escape the yard. It's tragic...

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