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Re: Americans Would NEVER See Freedom Again If The Globalists Get Their Way 

By: micro in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (2)
Sun, 12 Apr 20 4:04 PM | 20 view(s)
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Msg. 58617 of 62138
(This msg. is a reply to 58593 by capt_nemo)

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spot on. The great virus scam, which has claimed worldwide less than half of the bottom number of normal yearly flu death totals worldwide, (which is an easily obtainable fact and BEEN SHOWN ON TELEVISION (FOX NEWS)), created fear,panic, and allowed so called leaders to get away with trampling the Constitution and our blood bought rights by Population control supporters like Birx, Fauci, employees of Gates Foundation who would not be there unless they agreed with their Master Bill Gates,
is alive and well and done so well that even some normally smart people cannot see what is actually happening because of some pockets of lots of illness like New York and a couple other limited locations.

It is astounding how quickly people will forego their liberty in the face of a scare tactic of over stating by vast amounts the devastating and deadly affects of this virus.

Ask yourself why this much scare, loos of freedom, has not been used in the annual influenza epidemics that take twice as many lives as this one???? THAT is an undeniable FACT. You might not like it, but you are blind and simply stubborn if you refuse to note the reality of this....

Because one thinks in their mind that somehow this version of corona is more deadly than all the other influenzas does not make those that see the numbers for what they are wrong and them right...

I see my liberty and Constitutional Liberties being eroded big time under this guise. THAT TROUBLES me because how many of those will you get back???

It's okay to see things differently. It's okay to be more concerned over some different aspects.
THAT does not make others who see this far different than you wrong and incorrect. The numbers don't lie. The erosion does not lie...

A little grace goes a long way........

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Americans Would NEVER See Freedom Again If The Globalists Get Their Way
By: capt_nemo
in POPE 5
Sun, 12 Apr 20 10:40 AM
Msg. 58593 of 62138

Signs 'Covid-19' Is A 'Higher Form Of Killing' Designed By The Deep State To Complete Their Take-Down Of America
- America Locked Down Until NO New Cases Is Virtually Impossible With Re-infections Happening Regularly

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With the Bill Gates Foundation wasting no time to turn this coronavirus crisis into a money-grabbing opportunity while exposing even more Americans to potential danger with a coronavirus vaccine trial already underway in America, a bunch of recent news that has just come to light must be explored to get a better understanding of what may be going on right now and as we had argued in this April 9th ANP story, something very nasty is dead ahead for America if we keep on going the direction we are going.

With Dr. Anthony Fauci recently making remarks that former Prosecutor Robert Kirk called 'absurd' in this April 10th ANP story, that the shut-down cannot end until there are "0" new Covid-19 cases hinting at another 6 months to 2 years of this 'lockdown', Kurt Schlichter over at TownHall recently published this story titled "Beware The Creeps Who Enjoy Their New Pandemic Power" which helps explain the major power grab now underway by people who definitely don't have 'freedom' and 'liberty's' best interests in mind.

As Mike Adams argues in this new story over at Natural News, we may now be witnessing the globalists "END GAME" of not only forced coronavirus vaccines ahead but full-scale depopulation playing out this very moment on the global stage. And with the World Health Organization proving itself to be nothing but a Communist 'front' group for China, the World Health Organization's director Tedros Adhanom a communist terrorist from Ethiopia and now, one World Health Organization official actually talking about busting into people's homes and stealing away their unvaccinated children (showing the insane direction we are being herded!), we'll totally agree with President Trump and many Republicans that America should drop all funding of the WHO immediately and into the future.

As Schlichter argued in this Town Hall story, the problem with people referring to this bizarre pandemic life limbo as “the new normal” is that there are people out there, both in and out of positions of responsibility, who are digging this opportunity to boss us around. And it is troubling to see that there are a number of prominent folks who are in no hurry to curtail their ability to boss us around. We need to note carefully who these people are and ensure that they never get a chance to control anything again.

Yet the problem is these people ARE in control now, and as Schlichter pointed out, they seem to be enjoying that new-found power to control the masses on a scale unseen in US history so why would they ever give that power up? Also pointing out that they have the power to keep on dragging this lockdown out as long as they want to, possibly until there are "0" new infections in America as Dr. Fauci argues, should such a scenario materialize, Americans may NEVER see 'freedom' again, especially with one person after another who has been 'cured' of Covid-19 contracting it AGAIN as Forbes reports in this new story.

And as we've sadly pointed out before, this 'pandemic' plays perfectly into the hands of the globalists who we'd hoped America had vanquished with President Trump and his 'America-1st policies' so hated by Democrats and the 'Deep State'. Yet that begs us to ask, was this entire thing 'designed' by the 'deep state' here in America to put an end to any remaining hopes of freedom here as well as to completely crash the economy? Would you put ANYTHING beyond those devils who still lie bluntly to the American people's faces every day?

For the past several decades as perfectly summed up in many different stories and books by Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead over at the Rutherford Institute, the 'globalists/deep state apparatus' has been herding America and Americans towards outright tyranny 'incrementally' and while there have been many warnings of martial law in America's future, 'medical martial law' in 2020 has left the entire nation like frogs in a pot of slowly simmering water soon to boil.

As Whitehead argues in this new story titled "Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House Arrest", Americans rights have been trampled upon for years by mostly nameless and faceless tyrants intent upon ushering in a 'global police state' where 'freedom of the people' was the very last thing government needed to worry about and a boot stamping upon a human face 'the new norm' and we're heading that way. But as Whitehead also pointed out in his story, tyrants in government never cede power willingly so neither should the very 'well armed American people'. From Whitehead's story.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”—Viktor Frankl

We still have choices.

Just because we’re fighting an unseen enemy in the form of a virus doesn’t mean we have to relinquish every shred of our humanity, our common sense, or our freedoms to a nanny state that thinks it can do a better job of keeping us safe.

Whatever we give up willingly now—whether it’s basic human decency, the ability to manage our private affairs, the right to have a say in how the government navigates this crisis, or the few rights still left to us that haven’t been disemboweled in recent years by a power-hungry police state—we won’t get back so easily once this crisis is past.

The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we.

As we had reported all the way back on February 1st in this ANP story titled "Locking Down America & The Globalists End Game: Due To The 'Nature Of The Beast', Completely Stopping A Coronavirus Pandemic May Require 'Shutting Down Society'", "imagine an America where you're no longer able to travel freely". And while we absolutely hate to see that warning from over two months ago coming true today, there are many emerging signs it's about to get much worse.

With it now illegal in the state of Michigan under Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer for residents of the state to even venture across the street to visit one's neighbor showing the direction 'medical tyranny' is taking, of note is Whitmer is now considered in the fast-lane to possibly be Joe Biden's VP pick if some very public rumors are correct.

And Michigan isn't the only state that's now a canary in the coal mine of tyranny with Boston now fining people for walking in the wrong direction and judges removing children from their parents homes if the parents work in the medical fields. And now the Daily Mail has put out this story titled "The terrifying reports that tell the truth about how lockdown ends - there will be NO return to normal: America’s top experts explain how the nation faces mass digital surveillance, testing on an unimaginable scale or recurring social distancing" hinting if Democrats/globalists have their way, we've now entered 'the new normal' that they would have brought about anyways had they won the presidency in 2016 and their 'new normal' is definitely tyranny.

lot more,,,,,,,,,


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