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Re: This is a little more than disturbing 

By: Decomposed in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (1)
Thu, 20 Feb 20 6:56 PM | 29 view(s)
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Msg. 52664 of 62138
(This msg. is a reply to 52662 by micro)

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Re: "You think she is just supposed to shut up and be okay with an American politician killing her child??"
Of course not. Nor should the mother of a child with cancer be content with her child's death. SOME THINGS CANNOT BE MADE RIGHT.

The Constitution does not allow a foreign country to try an American citizen. This isn't President Trump's fault. I am quite certain that if he were to TRY to arrest this American, courts would prevent it. He doesn't have that power.

I don't think you should blame him for enforcing what the Constitution says. He has, after all, sworn on a Bible that he will uphold the Constitution. The simple fact is that the woman has rights. Even the President can't strip them from her. He isn't a King.

BTW, how different is the British system of justice? Quite different. I just read of a case where a Brit acquitted of rape due to an absence of evidence supporting his accuser was then fired from two jobs after the police went to his employers and said he was a rapist. They weren't sensitive jobs, either. One was TAXI DRIVER. The man sued and the Supreme Court backed the police - saying that acquittal doesn't mean that he COULDN'T be guilty. That means there's no true presumption of innocence. How would you like to be tried under a system like that?


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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: This is a little more than disturbing
By: micro
in POPE 5
Thu, 20 Feb 20 6:49 PM
Msg. 52662 of 62138

what I am saying is that I disagree very strongly with what has happened so far and that it appears that we are saying politicians are more important than average citizens no matter what country they are in. Until I see ANYTHING positive come out of this situatiion and things made right, and Trump can have a hand in that, then I will refuse to vote for ANYONE who thinks politians are above the law and above everyone else in the world, even to killing an innocent person and doing nothing for the survivors parents or siblings whose loss they can never replace....

THAT is what I am saying. It's a conscience thing.

I am so sick of people saying I am voting for a democrat. NO I AM NOT. Never SAID I was either. I simpoly will not vote for Trump if there is not some restitution or acceptable thing done for the mother who lost her son because of someone who should NEVER have been driving when she obviously does not know how to in England, and now hides behind diplomatic immunity and Trump says it's okay.

SO no. Trump has lost my vote. For now. Right is right.
Wrong is ALWAYS wrong.. IF Trump is supporting screwing over this poor woman in England and nothing is being done for her or her family, he does not deserve anyone's vote. You want THAT and can say you are willing to follow that kind of reasoning? Politicians are above the law so much they get away cleanly with killing someone and there are ZERO consequences.

You think you could do that and get away with it?
You think the family of the KILLED young man does not deserve restitution?

You think she is just supposed to shut up and be okay with an American politician killing her child??

If you do, there is something wrong.

This really troubles me and I am not supporting any SOB who endorses this (Trump) or does NOTHING about it for the sake of the grieving mother and family. Until that changes, my conscience cannot support anyone who thinks they can sweep this under the rug and mug over a heartbroken parent.

How about we sacrifice Joey??? Ah, it will be alright. It was a diplomat hat carelesslyran him over and turned his body into mush. You have no rights. And the President just told you there is nothing he is ggoing to do about it either.

Youw illing to let that happen to Joey???

NO, it's not different. Same thing. Diplomatic immunity my arse.

DO THE RIGHT THING TRUMP. TAKE CARE of that family whom your politician's wife killed their son....

Until then, screw you!

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