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The following is from someone who commented on an article Nemo posted right before this. 

By: micro in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (2)
Tue, 04 Feb 20 3:16 PM | 23 view(s)
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Msg. 50800 of 62138
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Dear President Trump,

It is time!

You, your family and the country have suffered far too long from the the left’s fraudulent attempt at multiple coups to take down your Presidency.

We ask that, the second you are acquitted next week, you come out with guns blazing so to speak.

And let’s be honest, those who have been put in charge over the past 4 years to bring transparency, truth and justice for all are not cutting it. In fact many believe they may be actually hindering you from draining of the swamp.

We realize your challenges.

1. Senator McConnell’s refusal to recess the Senate in almost 4 years. Did you know that out of the past 5 President or past 33 years you are the only President with ZERO recess appointments? The others ranged from 32 – 179 recess appointments each. So here is road block #1.

2. We all know that the Senate must approve your nominations at the secretary level and the Senate has used that authority against you. Case in point your desire to have Ratcliffe was refused by the Senate. My guess is you’d like to also replace Wray but the Senate would most likely control who you might want to put in his place. So here is road block #2

3. After almost a year you like the vast majority of Americans are wondering why there has been zero indictments considering all the evidence uncovered plus with AG Barr having full declassification authority? So is this possibly road block #3?

4. Finally with all the evidence of FBI misconduct, including those texts, emails, leaks and allegations of document modification, Director Wray can only suggest the problem as needing training enhancements? Could this be possibly your road block #4?

If any of these are ringing true to you then I have a suggestion of a nice work around for you to consider.

First, make Sidney Powell a WH Presidential Appointment whereby no Senate confirmation is required. In her role as special liaison between the WH and DOJ, she sits in on all meetings AG Barr holds with Durham and his DA’s.

Also, provide her with full declassification authority with zero redactions so she can read and review all documents related to Russia Collusion, the Dossier, FISA Abuse, FBI Contractor Abuse, Uranium One, the Hammer Program, HRC unsecured server, the DNC hack, Seth Rich murder, impeachment fraud and Ukraine corruption and alleged money laundering of US taxpayer monies.

Her authority is to read, review and brief you directly. (Because this is a huge job you may want to expand the team to include Joe Digenova and Victoria Toesing to help read and review these documents)

Sidney reports back on what she sees as the progress and where the lack of progress is occurring.

For example:
1. Has your DOJ deposed the two U1 WB yet?
2. Has your DOJ deposed Assange yet?
3. What happened to the Wiener Laptop and the evidence on it?
4. What happened to all 33k HRC emails that the NSA has?
5. What happened to Mifsud’s phone and the information on it?
6. What happened to the 47 Hammer Hard Drives that Montgomery turned into the FBI in 2015?
7. Was all the evidence gathered by the FBI on the Seth Rich murder turned over to Judicial Watch and Ty Clevenger’s FOIA request?
8. What happened to the Rudy’s Ukraine evidence he turned over to Pompeo?
9. What happened to the Lindsey request to Pompeo on turning over all Biden communications with Ukraine back in 2016?
10. Did they ever trace the serial numbers on the PapaD money he was given?
11. Why hasn’t a joint investigation between the DOJ and Ukrainian Government not begun considering we have a treaty with them to jointly investigate corruption?

As you can see Mr. President, there are many things that could use an extra set of eyes on to ensure you are getting the full and complete story.

Think of this as America’s MAGA insurance policy.

Because there is a mountain of material to review you could consider making Rudy a PA and special Liaison between the WH and FBI where he sits closely with Wray and his subordinates at all meetings.

Yes, in the end AG Barr and Wray may chose to quit and if they do so be it. You follow the agency hierarchy policy of next person up so there is no issue with Senate confirmation or crying from the left, as you are by the book!

But Sidney and Rudy stay in place.

The benefits are:
1. You get a second set of eyes and opinion on things.
2. You and the American people get peace of mind as they TRUST Sidney and Rudy and with them on the job truth and justice can’t be far behind.
3. The investigations continue and the odds of evidence getting lost, misplaced or overlooked is reduced greatly IMO.
4. It gives Sidney and Rudy a running start into 2021 and your second term.
5. It gets the Ukraine investigation moving sooner than later.

Now the last part of the plan is use your rallies as a huge sounding board asking the American people to not only give you back the House but you need 8 new Republican Senatorial wins in Nov.

Because if the American people can give you that you can ensure them that come Nov, Sidney Powell will be their new AG, Rudy could be their new FBI Director and Gen. Flynn could be their new NSC or CIA Director.

Your supporters will go crazy if they can get you, Sidney, Rudy and Flynn come Nov.

And the Senate won’t be able to block these people with your 60 Senate Super Majority.

The last step of this plan is on us, the American people. We want to send a message to all RINOS who work non stop behind the scenes to undermine your MAGA agenda and that is we sacrifice McConnell in the Nov election.

It’s too late to put up another MAGA candidate to primary McConnell so it is time to jettison the man who would never allow you a recessed Senate and let’s be honest you and the American people don’t need his shenanigans for 4 more years.

It is time, We the People stand tall, help ensure you don’t have any road blocks in your second term. We want to help clear the decks so you can finally DRAIN THE SWAMP and put anyone who violated the law via these multiple coup attempts in jail for a long time.

I hope you will consider this plan as IMO it is pure Trump Genius!

Thank you for all you have endured and done for this country.



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