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Brilliance personified! 

By: Beldin in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (2)
Wed, 15 Jan 20 9:34 PM | 702 view(s)
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A GOP lawmaker and Purple Heart recipient gave Congress the 2-minute silent treatment over Iran


Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) was a bomb disposal specialist who suffered severe injuries from the explosion of an IED in Afghanistan back in 2010. He had to have both of his legs amputated. He is a true American hero who knows the real meaning of sacrifice. 

A Republican lawmaker and US Army veteran spent roughly two minutes of his allotted speaking time in silence during a House hearing with former US officials on Tuesday.

Rep. Brian Mast of Florida, a retired US Army bomb technician and Purple Heart recipient, gave his colleagues the silent treatment to make a point in favor of the US killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.

Mast argued against the caution from his Democratic colleagues on the Foreign Affairs Committee, saying that Soleimani was a threat regardless of what exactly he was doing on the visit to Iraq when he died.

"Just because [a] machine gun nest might be taking a moment to reload, that doesn't mean that it's not an imminent threat," Mast said.

As the leader of the Iranian paramilitary group known as the Quds Force, Soleimani trained militants who attacked the US with sophisticated explosives. ...

"If you walk about this hallway ... you're going to come to several beautiful walls that have the names of our fallen service members from the war on terror," Mast said. "And I would ask, can any of you provide me with one name on that wall that doesn't justify killing Soleimani?"

"I got two minutes and 30 seconds. I'll be more than happy to sit here and wait," Mast added, before the silence. "Somebody provide me with a name on that wall that does not justify his killing."

The chairman of the committee, Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, interrupted the presentation: "The gentleman may continue," Engel said.

"I'm continuing, Mr. Chairman. I got two minutes remaining," Mast said. "I will sit here and wait for somebody to provide me with a name on that wall that does not justify the killing of Soleimani."

"Thank you, Mr. Mast," Engel said. "I think you have made your point."

No, you treasonous, Democrat asshole ... there's no thinking about it ... Rep. Mast absolutely DID make his point. No question about it. The stunned silence from you Democrats proved it beyond a shadow of any doubt. 

The hearing briefly went off the rails as the two lawmakers had a heated exchange on decorum.

"Mr. Chairman, I have not yielded back my time," Mast said.

"You are disrupting," Engel said, adding that Mast was "out of order."

Ah ... so according to libtard dumbass, Eliot Engel of New York, silence constitutes a disruption that should be considered out of order, eh?! 

Rolling Eyes

After Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota yielded some of his time to Mast, the Republican continued his silent protest.

Kudos to Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) for having the balls to help extend the awkward and embarrassing silence from his anti-American Democrat colleagues. 

"I will note that there was no response of one name offered that did not justify the killing of Soleimani," Mast said after the pause.

The tense exchange illustrated the differing opinions of the two parties on Capitol Hill after the killing of Soleimani. ...

Of course there is YUGE difference ... Democrats despise the United States of America, its citizens, and its military troops. So much so, that Democrats care more for the lives of foreign terrorists than for the lives of those serving in the American military. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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