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Re: starlight (IRAN)

By: starlight in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 11 Dec 18 9:06 AM | 174 view(s)
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Msg. 21889 of 21975
(This msg. is a reply to 21885 by kathy_s16)

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"Ohhhh, but we are in an arms race. WHY? You don't need that many nuclear bombs to wipe out the world.
And do we want to turn the Middle East into glass anyway?"

Peace through strength, but actually using nukes should be avoided, if possible, imho. Right now, the Russians could cream us, they are so far ahead. Space is very important.

There's an arms race because whoever supplies the arms, talking planes and such) has access to the country and does training and helps protect them. So whomever supplies the arms indirectly controls the oil.

Russia has been in a major push to control O&G, world wide. That gives them political leverage or even control over their customers. And, of course the Hildabeast gave a good chunk of our Uranium to them as well. The commies want to control energy to the West. They have cut it off to customers like Ukraine for political leverage already.

I'm not exactly sure where to place China in this picture, but I'm thinking Russia is becoming a proxy agent of China's. China likely have some degree of control over Russia because they fund them. China tries to lock in oil supply and said they want to take over their hemisphere, but are also making inroads in ours. They finance the Russians, whose economy is failing. So I would think they have leverage and are in cahoots. China's currently building infrastructure for some of their oil supplier nations and have people on the ground. I think they get them in debt and then seek to take ownership of their assets. This is still playing out, but it doesn't look good for countries doing business with China, imo.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
starlight (IRAN)
By: kathy_s16
Tue, 11 Dec 18 8:42 AM
Msg. 21885 of 21975

The Saudis did the wrong thing torturing and killing Koshogi, of course, but he was a MB operative, therefore no loss, whatsoever. He was a bad guy. He was in with the Saudi royals when they were all MB, before it became fashionable not to be MB.

The way I look at it is that he was one of them. It's as simple as that to me.

Scoundrels and enemies one and all.

My sentiments exactly. I can't take sides on the Middle East. I truly believe that if they cannot get along with each other, are we supposed to straighten their mess out every time?

I am infuriated by the whole crew.

Ohhhh, but we are in an arms race. WHY? You don't need that many nuclear bombs to wipe out the world.

And do we want to turn the Middle East into glass anyway?

I do not know.

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