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HuffPo craps its pants 

By: Beldin in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (3)
Fri, 21 Sep 18 1:58 AM | 44 view(s)
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Let's see how long it takes before the Pffffarters do their masters' bidding and regurgitate this reeking bit of garbage from the ever-hyperventilating HuffPo libtard propaganda network ... 

HuffPost Bombshell Reveals Kavanaugh's Female Clerks Advised to Look "Outgoing"


... To bring Kavanaugh down, the media are currently throwing whatever it can against the wall in the hopes of peeling off enough moderate Republican senators to kill his confirmation chances.

And for that reason, a wildly misleading HuffPost headline reads, "Brett Kavanaugh Liked Female Clerks Who Looked A 'Certain Way,' Yale Student Was Told."

But if you actually read the story, that is not even close to the truth.

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Naturally, the truth is buried under a dozen or so paragraphs of innuendo.

The story's opening makes it sound as though Kavanaugh is grooming female law clerks for something untoward:

A few years ago, as she was prepping to interview for a judicial clerkship, a student at Yale Law School received a troubling combination of warning and advice from her professors about one federal judge in particular: Brett Kavanaugh, she was told, liked his female clerks to have a "certain look."

HuffPost then links the Kavanaugh dress code "warning" to former appeals court judge Alex Kozinski, who retired last year under a cloud of harassment allegations: "[She was warned] about two judges in particular: First, Alex Kozinski, then a judge on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, was known to sexually harass his clerks, he told her. (Kozinski retired in December amid accusations of harassment.)"

At first, HuffPost tells us this anonymous woman did not know what that "certain look" was, stating only, "It was very clear to me that he was talking about physical appearance, because it was phrased as a warning - and because it came after the warning about Judge Kozinski."

But a full fifteen paragraphs into the piece, we discover that she was, in fact, told what a "certain look" meant.

It meant ...


Yes, you read that correctly; people are telling budding law clerks that Brett Kavanaugh wants female law clerks to look "outgoing," which the dictionary defines as "friendly and socially confident; extroverted." ...

In other words, you should dress for success, with confidence, sharp, ready to conquer the world, to succeed ... and not like a granola with a chip on your shoulder.

Moreover, the person giving this "outgoing" advice is ... a woman. Her name is Amy Chau, and she is a Yale Law School professor. The other person offering the advice is Chau's husband, Jed Rubenfeld, also a Yale professor. ...

A columnist told HuffPost the advice is "sexist."

Except it is not Kavanaugh offering the advice; it is a professional woman motivated to help other women. ...

Just one week ago, according to the media, Kavanaugh was a teenage "rapist." Now the media are reduced to publishing misleading headlines, followed by a pile of dishonest paragraphs that are only there to bury the inconvenient truth of Kavanaugh's stellar record when it comes to advancing the careers of "outgoing" women.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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