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Re: Republicans Release Tax Plan, Cutting Corporate and Middle-Class Taxes 

By: Decomposed in POPE IV | Recommend this post (4)
Thu, 02 Nov 17 11:13 PM | 87 view(s)
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Msg. 37867 of 47202
(This msg. is a reply to 37865 by micro)

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I don't like any income tax. That said, there are things in here I like.

Repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax? EXCELLENT. This is a vicious tax that was sold to us as one that hardly anyone would have to pay (which is grossly unfair to those that do.) But thanks to monetary inflation and the ever-growing income needed just to be middle class, more and more are paying it.

Lowering corporate tax rates to 20%? EXCELLENT. That should be an incredible boon to the economy and will encourage companies with huge cash hoards overseas to bring the money home.

Eliminating the estate tax (over six years)? Pretty chicken $#!+. Why not do it now? Today! Doing it over six years just gives liberals the chance to get back in power and reinstate the damned thing.

Retention of various tax credits? I strongly disagree. The federal government should not be subsidizing specific cities, states or industries, and that's what most of these tax credits do. Want to boost the economy? THEN LOWER THE %@$!ing TAX RATES.

Strengthen accountability for tax-exempt organizations? I don't like the idea of tax-exempt organizations in the first place - except in as much as ALL organizations should be tax exempt. But if we're going to have 'em, then yes, monitor them closely.

Continue the deduction for charitable contributions? BOO. HISS. The problem I have with this is that government gets to decide whether an organization qualifies as a charity or not. That opens the door to things like the Obama and Clinton Foundations - which masquerade as charities but actually provide legal tax dodges and money laundering capabilities to the respective families. GET RID OF CHARITABLE DEDUCTIONS. I mean, government is already forcing all of us to indirectly fund them vis-a-vis their tax exempt status. The whole system reeks. If people want to contribute to charities, they should do so knowing that what they're giving away is like any other money they spend: it's TAXED.

Eliminate double taxation of international businesses? EXCELLENT. Companies that earn money and are taxed in another country owe no debt to the United States. That said, I believe we should have large tariffs on incoming goods and services. Shipping jobs abroad should come at a heavy price.

Sounds like you have a different take on much of this.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Republicans Release Tax Plan, Cutting Corporate and Middle-Class Taxes
By: micro
Thu, 02 Nov 17 9:51 PM
Msg. 37865 of 47202


What happened to TIERED taxes? What happened to lowering the RATES instead of increasing the standard deduction?

This is a CRAP PIE being pandered as Lemon Meringue !

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