Replies to Msg. #746754
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20738 MONKEYTROTS - POST OF THE MONTH AWARD: When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
kathy_s16   RANT II   25 Sep 2013
10:23 PM
20732 Re: POST OF THE MONTH AWARD: When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
   monkeytrots [b]If not - try thinking about that - because it is happe...
ribit   RANT II   29 Aug 2012
5:28 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

POST OF THE MONTH AWARD: When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over

By: monkeytrots in RANT II
Tue, 28 Aug 12 11:06 PM
Msg. 20731 of 20747
(This msg. is a reply to 20718 by kathy_s16)
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Exellent post, Kathy.

The guy is correct, folks. No, he is not some spineless 'liberal' in conservative clothing. He has paid his dues in fighting the government.

Micro, the US Military may or may NOT withhold fire on US Citizens in revolt. History shows us that they did NOT withhold fire - in this nation's worst nightmare of bloodletting that pitted two sides of this country against each other. Mr. Karger's use of the term 'against a platoon of Marines', however, is unfortunate because it shifts attention from the ACTUAL AND ESTABLISHED real danger to US Citizens - a danger that he described quite accurately.

The militarization of US police forces is ongoing and escalating. Many cities and towns now own tanks, armed personnel carriers, even attack helicopters, and almost all are outfitted with military weapons not available to the general public.

Perhaps the allusion to a 'platoon of Marines' is not as far-fetched as it seems. There have been some incredible and horrible changes to the US Military in the past two years - and Mr. Karger is absolutely correct about the preparations WITHIN THE MILITARY against 'rebellious US Citizens'.

Be VERY AWARE that George W. Bush SUSPENDED AND ELIMINATED the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 via executive order.

Yes - Mr. Karger nails it. The PRICE WILL BE EXTREMELY HIGH for defiance.

Are we prepared to pay the piper - in possibly futile actions ?

Correction - Make that 'almost certainly futile'.

Before you answer - Have you ever had 'law enforcement' in YOUR front yard - pulling their weapons on you - when you are unarmed, peaceable, and simply refusing to kowtow to some asshole ? If not - try thinking about that - because it is happening more and more.

Read the series on Constitutional Corner about Brandon Raub - and Due's excellent followup on that very REAL abrogation of ALL civil rights of a 'peaceful' citizen.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...