Replies to Msg. #1205280
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31811 Re: We Won our Lawsuit Against the Loudoun School Board!
micro   6TH POPE   08 May 2022
2:28 PM

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Re: We Won our Lawsuit Against the Loudoun School Board!

By: fizzy in 6TH POPE
Sun, 08 May 22 7:28 AM
Msg. 31809 of 53034
(This msg. is a reply to 31801 by CTJ)
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From the article: "School boards across Virginia are now on notice – you can’t ignore parents without paying the price.”

What price? From the article it doesn't appear those who ignored parents have to pay ANY price. Indeed, per the article, the existing board gets to keep on sitting.

My guess is the school board is laughing its ass of right now. They blocked 600 parents from attending multiple meetings, they aren't being personally fined, they aren't being expelled from the board. What's not to laugh about? Why won't they, or the next board, just do it again? And again?

When are we doing to realized that winning a lawsuit against government doesn't make you whole; it doesn't really discourage the maggots, or the next group of maggots from doing it again. And, in the quite unlikely case that you -- the oppressed and laughed at -- somehow do win a court judgement, taxes will just be raised some more so, again, the maggots and public serpents get the last laugh!

I have come to realize that men are not born to be free. Liberty is a need felt by a small class of people whom nature has endowed with nobler minds than the mass of men. -Napoleon