Replies to Msg. #1036909
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
02121 Re: U.S. companies are valued less now than before Trump was elected
   >>> "U.S. companies are valued less now than before Trump was elected...
Zimbler0   BAF   11 Apr 2018
3:50 AM
02118 Re: U.S. companies are valued less now than before Trump was elected
   De One other way to decrease the "market value" b y using the tradi...
micro   BAF   10 Apr 2018
5:46 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

U.S. companies are valued less now than before Trump was elected

By: Decomposed in BAF
Tue, 10 Apr 18 3:29 PM
Msg. 02115 of 06527
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Re: "U.S. companies are valued less now than before Trump was elected, despite the run-up in stocks, big corporate tax cuts, reductions in regulations and booming earnings."
- clo #msg-1036797  

I sure wish someone would explain THAT little gem to me.

Given that "Market Cap" is the best tool I know for discerning a public company's value, and market cap is defined as the stock price times the number of outstanding shares, it's difficult to imagine that the author is correct. Sure, if companies are elevating their stock prices through reverse splits or other accounting tricks, he'd be right, but there's no way that's happening on a grand enough scale to elevate the entire stock market...

Unfortunately, no one on Pfffft3 questions things like this. In fact, I sometimes doubt that anyone on Pfffft3 actually reads clo's articles. Does clo herself read them? If she did, you'd think she would question them on her own.

I'm afraid we will never know.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months