Replies to Msg. #1028095
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42486 Re: THIS is what Democrats want for the United States of America
   [b]Socialism: Venezuelans Scavenging, Selling Garbage for Survival[/b]...
ribit   POPE IV   21 Jan 2018
12:15 AM
42485 Re: THIS is what Democrats want for the United States of America
   >> she tells Lujan that she feels betrayed after being promised that...
Zimbler0   POPE IV   21 Jan 2018
12:15 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

THIS is what Democrats want for the United States of America

By: Beldin in POPE IV
Sat, 20 Jan 18 9:22 PM
Msg. 42474 of 47202
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Socialism: Venezuelans Scavenging, Selling Garbage for Survival

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Venezuelans are increasingly buying and selling items of garbage as a means of survival as the country's economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deepen.

A report this week published on the personal website of veteran journalist Glenda Umana details the cases of people such as Yelitza Lujan, a woman living on Venezuela's Margarita Island, previously known as the "Pearl of the Carribean." A mother of five children and two grandchildren, she has been forced to sell bags of garbage.

The bags - which contain food such as rotten bananas, blackened carrots, and potatoes - can be sold for up to 18,000 bolivares, equivalent to under ten cents as a result of hyperinflation.

"Most of the time we lose money because everything that comes in the bag is bad," Lujan said.

One of her neighbors, Yonely Martínez, lives in a makeshift house kept together by sheets of zinc and pieces of wood. A former Chavez supporter who voted for Nicolas Maduro, she tells Lujan that she feels betrayed after being promised that the government would help lift her out of poverty. ...


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence