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To whom...

By: Yossel in TO WHOM... | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 04 Sep 12 5:49 AM | 396 view(s)
Boardmark this board | To whom it may concern
Msg. 00017 of 00048
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To whom…

A hell of a day to contact you with all the stuff you must have pending on your desk. However, such is the sad occasion. But I felt it would be improper to just stop posting without giving you an explanation.

As you know, CNBC has decided that this is their election and they are Romney backers. This has intensified the threats of bashing my stocks.

I am posting a letter I received from Fidelity at the conclusion of their investigation indicating that entrance could have only been gained via my computer. They went back eighteen months.

It might have happened during the time period I was posting on Raging Bull. He introduced himself and indicated that the serving president had instructed him to do so. He requested that I open the computer so he could see what stocks I had. I can’t think of any other time this might have happened. I do know that Melissa Lee indicated that Mark Haines obtained a copy of my brokerage statement by the start of the last bull market. I believe the lady-she speaks the truth.

Since they still have my statement and are still bashing and I have been mandated by Jim Cramer to sell my stocks, a two million dollar portfolio, I am left with few options. By the way, this threat was made in front of the participants on the Fast Money Half Time Report during the episode I already reported. Mind you, I never asked him for advice. A new element has been added to the stock market: Jim Cramer says sell, or else. I believe his exact words were I don’t want to see those stocks in your portfolio. It’s for your own good.

I am concerned in two areas. Since he is able to gain access to my computer, he may do something and make it appear that it came from my computer. Especially because of whom I’ve been posting for. I still recall the day I started posting on Raging Bull and one of the Bush’s indicated to me that I had been checked out.

I contacted the legal plan about the theft of the brokerage statement. The attorney wanted to know the amount of the financial loss. I told him that there was no monetary loss as of yet but my concern was in regard to the information on the statement being taken.

Since I am not a computer geek, and am uncertain if malware, a virus, or some other software was used, and having cleaned the computer several times, I’m thinking of buying a new computer. Of course, I have to move the account as well. Sad after 8 or 9 years of more than satisfactory service and good relationships.

Additionally, I am going to have to stop posting for the three big name.s Since I post without safeguards, it makes me extremely vulnerable and they know it. They have availed themselves of my vulnerability. CNBC has had a victory. Obviously the internet belongs to them and their cronies. However, I don’t feel completely vanquished because in the case of your predecessor, Joe Kernen adopted the presidential seal and march to introduce himself and his show. So, if they can do that to the president that they can take over the internet and determine what should and should not be posted doesn’t seem so far fetched.

However, it should be noted that Mr. Cramer has gone beyond Mr. Kernen’s actions. He actually commands people to sell their stock. I did write to Mr. Buffett. However, all he was able to do was get the gentleman a few days off. So, he just came back and continued in his usual manner.

By the way, one more item I think I should bring to your attention. The mid day show has a promotion that if you write to them, they will put you on the air from your home. If you look into this, you will ascertain that they were entering people’s homes without their knowledge or permission way before this. When I first wrote to you I called this science fiction. At the time they did it they said don’t tell anyone because no one will believe it.

I’m not sure of what else I can do. If you’re aware of what else can be done, I would be very happy to hear from you.

Good luck,


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