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Re: Peer-Reviewed Study: 'The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19'

By: Fiz in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Thu, 01 Jun 23 2:05 PM | 23 view(s)
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Msg. 43026 of 52916
(This msg. is a reply to 43021 by Decomposed)

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Once upon a time I optimistically thought that the world would eventually seek reparations from those who had done this to them.

Quantifying it would be a challenge, but it would need to be in the trillions; I'd argue in the hundreds of trillions. Paid BY the American government (really by the criminal US "military"/DOD), mostly, to billions of people around the world.

It is interesting, to me, that so many are so complacent about what has been done to them. Through most of human history you can find trails of "revenge" lasting through hundreds of years. But here we have a criminal affront far better organized and far more widespread than, say, slavery or child abuse (yet constituted of and briding strong elements of both) with nary a soul calling for retribution...much less reparations.

And, yes, "people of color" could make a good case that they, in particular, were disproportionately targeted once again. The Demonrats seem to do that all through history to "people of color" and "people of color" never seem to catch on very appropriately.

Ah, well. Back to topic: I'm beginning to wonder if the bloodthirsty criminals who staged and executed this thing will ever be held to account. I guess I credit intelligence a little to highly. Also, of course, there is the fact that while this murderous crime against humanity was orchestrated by America and American government (and the US military in particular it appears), governments around the world more than willingly got into the excitement of murdering their own people and it didn't exactly require much arm twisting.

So, obviously, governments around the world can't be held to account..not even to hold the US government to even higher account. Why not? Well, we've all been sold the bill of goods that we are all "democracies" so anything a "democracy" does is basically self-inflicted!

I mean, the Germany which installed Hitler in power was a Democracy; he came to power LEGALLY. So, the Jews weren't immolated; they must have done it to themselves...volunteers in another "demoncracy".

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Peer-Reviewed Study: 'The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19'
By: Decomposed
Wed, 31 May 23 5:31 PM
Msg. 43021 of 52916

May 31, 2023

Peer-Reviewed Study: 'The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19'

by Ben Bartee

The pre-print for this study, prior to the peer review process, came out late last year. It showed, in a nutshell, that more COVID-19 shots correlated to a greater risk of contracting COVID-19.

But the COVIDians predictably, in eternal denial as is their nature, pounced on the fact that the initial paper was a pre-print. They dismissed it for not being peer-reviewed, which is often described as the “gold standard” stamp of approval by The Scienceâ„¢.

Mind you, the corporate state media expresses no such criticism of pre-print studies that say what they want them to say about the alleged efficacy of masking, the wonders of Pfizer#8;s mRNA injections, etc. It’s only when a study counters the narrative that they pump the brakes.

Via McGill, February 2023:

Recently, some people have been spreading the idea that getting additional doses of the COVID vaccine increases the risk of catching the virus. The suggestion was made in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal and repeated recently by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The notion seems to stem from a preprint uploaded last December by researchers from the Cleveland Clinic. Opponents of vaccines have been using it to argue their case, worrying a fair number of people, if the emails I have received on the subject are any indication.

Well, now it is peer-reviewed, and none of the conclusions have changed.

Via Open Forum Infectious Diseases:

The risk of COVID-19… varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.
I’m old enough to remember when the official story was that COVID-19 was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and it was totally kosher for the POTUS’ handlers to send him out to the podium to issue barely veiled threats to the unvaxxed.

Pfizer and Moderna, the government, and every corporate state media outlet that deliberately spread vax disinformation should be opened up to lawsuits from every person who received COVID-19 shots (which are not and never were conventional vaccines) and subsequently got sick with COVID-19.

Consumers of sponsored-by-Pfizer media were lied to by all parties involved, and there must be consequences. The pharmaceutical companies’ ill-gotten blanket immunity from damages caused by their products needs to be retroactively revoked because they were granted on fraudulent premises.

I predicted when the GOP took over the House, despite candidates’ campaign pledges to earnestly pursue COVID-19 justice, that very little would actually get done on this front because both parties — particularly at the leadership level — are beholden to the special interests that perpetrated the fraud in the first place. That prediction has largely been borne out, with a few notable exceptions like MTG seeming to make a good-faith effort to right the wrongs.


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