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Re: Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russia's Bright Red Line 

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (1)
Fri, 20 Jan 23 9:57 PM | 22 view(s)
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Msg. 39298 of 52936
(This msg. is a reply to 39286 by Fiz)

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Fiz > But Russia of NOW has very little to do with the Russia which was captured within the USSR.

The Russia of 'NOW' is being ran by a dictator named Putin with grandiose plans to re-constitute the 'Russian Empire'.


EVIL EMPIRE Vladimir Putin’s twisted dream of a new Russian empire stretching 10,000 miles encompassing Britain & Europe

Putin's dreams of a broader Eurasia go back far before the recent invasion of his neighbour and may point to the Russian president's next move.

. . .

In 1997, the Rasputin-like figure published his 600-page "The Foundations of Geopolitics".

Among his bizarre theories, Dugin signalled Russia's future relationship with Ukraine with chilling undertones of today's war.

Ukraine's very existence, he claimed, was a "huge danger to all of Eurasia".

For Russia to realise its true military might, it needed total military and political control of the north coast of the Black Sea.

Ukraine had to be reduced to just an "administrative sector" of Russia.

Dugin also argued that Russia's new enemy wasn't just Europe, but the entire "Atlantic" world led by the US.

. . . .

Dugin is likely delighted that Putin appears to have followed his advice.

The US appears more politically divided than it has in decades, while on both sides of the Brexit debate, the gap remains as wide as it's ever been.

Meanwhile, Germany has been slammed for its slow response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, down in no small part to its reliance on Moscow's natural resources.




Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russia's Bright Red Line
By: Fiz
Fri, 20 Jan 23 4:59 PM
Msg. 39286 of 52936

Keep it up - Biden and the Libtards couldn't be more happy with your support of their initiative.

Neocons + NeoLibs are their support base. Forever war is their gameboard.

One further thought: You seem rather stuck in the past (which I would probably be, too, if I had gone through the horror that you evidently did). But Russia of NOW has very little to do with the Russia which was captured within the USSR. At this juncture, the United States is DRAMATICALLY more "Communist" than Russia. The United States of now IS the "USSR" you hate. You can tussle with the USSR in your head, which no longer exists, or you can focus on the Enemy Domestic which IS, in fact, the USSR reborn.

I mostly suggest you recognize you are being played.

I want to amend this. I think we are all angry. I think we are all being played. As long as they can evoke anger in us they can manipulate us. I'm trying to work on this, in myself, because I am obviously very angry as well. The best I can do, so far, is to catch myself acting or speaking out of anger ASAP and go back and try to redirect that energy toward something constructive. I hope, eventually, to get to the point where I cannot be triggered; I fear I have a long road ahead.;-}

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