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Re: Evidence Ukraine Military Based Operations out of Civilian Areas as a Tactic

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 06 Aug 22 3:27 PM | 14 view(s)
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Msg. 34344 of 53265
(This msg. is a reply to 34340 by Fiz)

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Fiz > Ukraine will get back to producing 'food' soon enough -- it will just have a different distribution company.

Zim: I would not be too sure about that. There is an article from De's 'News of the Day' . . I'm going to provide a link to it and a short excerpt from it.


Ukraine’s 850 tanks could not possibly stop Russia’s roughly 120 Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) and their approximately 1,200 tanks and artillery, all attacking simultaneously along multiple axes of advance spread across a vast 1,300-kilometer arc. It turned out, however, that Javelin anti-tank missiles (yes, the very same Javelins Trump gave Ukraine, for those who remember the arcane details of that impeachment kerfuffle) actually work.

A modern tank is a fearsome weapon, but it is only effective as long as it sees its opponent—given the terrain in Ukraine, this is typically 1.5-2.0 kilometers. An infantryman with a Javelin can hit a tank from 4 kilometers. Roads in northwest Ukraine became graveyards of Russian armor.

This excerpt agrees with what I've been reading from other sources. The Russians thought the invasion of Ukraine would be a 'walk in the park'. . . Until the Ukrainians started whacking their turrets off.

Now Russia finds itself in a long drawn out war of attrition. Which they might not be able to afford . . .



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Evidence Ukraine Military Based Operations out of Civilian Areas as a Tactic
By: Fiz
Sat, 06 Aug 22 11:53 AM
Msg. 34340 of 53265

Ukraine will get back to producing 'food' soon enough -- it will just have a different distribution company.

Europe will have to learn to love freezing in the dark. How long do you think the 'EU' can continue its pretense of relevance and entitled royalty, now that it has chosen to deprive itself of energy? That's going to be a hell of a diet! Those perverts, elitists, and serfs shouldn't have sniffed and fondled the tar baby to begin with!

The Ukraine skirmish has already been won. The alternative path was --and remains-- thermonuclear war. No winners there! That was the Hillary timeline. The 'Western leadership' has been outplayed seven ways from Sunday. Let's just hope they learn their lesson one of these days.

And let's not identify with our Overlords, but instead give thanks for their latest humiliation. It's too bad the US/EU military-industrial complex, AKA Deep State, had to kill all those Ukrainians and mess up the world food and fuel supply, but how else was this going to go?

How many times do we have to be defeated and humiliated in geopolitics before we decide to go back to what we do best: having a Constitutional Republic (land of the individual) and self-reliance? One cannot serve two masters, Zim.

I'll close with two Franklin quotes: (1) "We've given you a Republic -- if you can keep it" and (2) "Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn in no other!" It is going to be painful, for a bit, when the dollar loses reserve currency status, and 1/4 of our GDP/imports rather suddenly disappear. But if we meet that challenge, we can grow strong and independent again!

My more thoughtful response is in the Luongo /Ron Paul Institute talk I just linked in the post below. I hope you watch the video!

PS http://www.reuters.com/world/europe/exclusive-us-readies-new-1-billion-ukraine-weapons-package-2022-08-05/

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