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Why have so many lost faith in our government ? 

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (3)
Fri, 29 Jul 22 8:39 PM | 26 view(s)
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Why have so many lost faith in our government ?

Double standards, that’s why. Americans see them and they’re rightfully furious.

They see the despicable treatment afforded President Trump, whose term in office surely seems like the good old days when compared to the turmoil Democrats have unleashed in just a year and a half at the helm.

They watched the press question Trump’s mental fitness and acuity while staunchly supporting the corrupt, dried-up turnip currently occupying the Oval Office.

They observed the media constantly demonizing Trump’s family and then totally supporting “Dr.” Jill and the hapless, hopeless Biden spawn.

They’ve seen every aspect of the Donald’s financial dealings examined with a fine-tooth comb, while the Big Guy (Hunter’s nickname for Crusty Joe) gets half of his crack and sex-addled son’s ill-gotten millions with impunity.

They’ve watched the FBI run multiple coups against both candidate and President Trump, while sitting on the treasure trove of Biden family criminality contained in Hunter’s laptop, which the Feebs have been “investigating” for two and a half years now.

They’ve observed how law enforcement looked the other way as BLMers peacefully rioted, taking lives, ruining businesses, and causing billions of dollars in damage -- all this while authorities pretend that January 6 was another Pearl Harbor, instead of a relatively small dustup where the crowd was rife with Feds, officers obligingly opened the doors to the Capitol, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot to death with impunity by a cop.

They see criminals, perverts and drug dealers released without bail to continue their wicked ways while the Jan. 6th defendants rot in D.C. jails, their Constitutional rights suspended and their personal lives ruined.


(Parts were skipped. Entire article is at the link. Thanks De.)


Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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