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Re: "Why does Biden want (Nuclear) War w Russia?" Tucker asks 

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (1)
Sat, 07 May 22 3:37 AM | 16 view(s)
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Msg. 31781 of 53257
(This msg. is a reply to 31780 by fizzy)

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Well . . . Let me see . . .

Start with the Obozo's . . . They REALLY HATE America. Their goal was to 'redistribute' the wealth. As in steal anything they can and give it to their 'constituents'.

Obama-care - NOT about making health care better or cheaper - ALL about stealing money from where ever they could and 'providing' 'free' health care for their 'people'.

Obama also wanted a carbon tax. NOT because it would actually lower carbon emissions - but so he could steal money and 'give it to the poor so's they could afford their new higher electric bills'. (Buying votes in the process.)

Power and MONEY are next. The demo-rat party actually believes 'they' are going to 'save the world' - but in reality they have not solved any problem . . . Just used them to seize more power and authority and money to waste pretending to solve problems they all too often created.

Somebody owns biden . . . possibly even Obozo . . . But obama ain't got no brains either. Hence nothing but mis-steps and utter stupidity in everything. Either intentionally trashing America, or just too stupid to realize what sort of long term disaster they are creating. A disaster which will clobber their 'people' first.

Take those 'black lives matter' 'peaceful protests'. Which were actually loot, riot, and arson fests. How many black businesses got burnt to the ground in those riots?

For a very long time now the leading cause of death for a young black male in America has been another young black male. But have any of the 'black leaders' addressed that problem? Of course not. They 'want' the problem to continue and fester so they can 'blame whitey' and steal more money in the name of it.

No, I'm pretty sure it is a 'hatred for America' coupled with complete and utter stupidity.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: "Why does Biden want (Nuclear) War w Russia?" Tucker asks
By: fizzy
Sat, 07 May 22 1:52 AM
Msg. 31780 of 53257

I have a theory. It would seem implausible, except everything more plausible -- starting with incompetence, but including 'hatred' for America as a country -- seems even less likely.

Heres my theory: China took, well maybe a trillion USD (which it got from the US, in return for 'taking' our factories and technology) and promised perhaps half of it to bunch of top DemonRat 'leaders'. In other words, you wouldn't need to purchase everyone. If China 'bought' Clinton, Obama, and Biden, plus, maybe, Pelosi, and a handful of aparatchicks in high CIA/Pentagon/Justice Dept positions, that would probably be enough. The key to make it enough would be to include as few people as possible in on the REAL objective. Most of the rest of the people, who show up on demand when the Dem establishment snaps their fingers, don't even need to have a clue as to the real objective and the real power behind the plan. Heck, ANTIFA and BLM leadership would probably be show up simply for free pizza and the good fun of a riot.

I know the whole thing sounds implausible to many. I mean, who WANTS to believe that the Pentagon, for example, is already purchased...or close enough?

But I would like to hear a better theory, because this just doesn't make much sense when I look at the vast number of odd happenings. If it isn't China doing the purchasing, then who else? Well, maybe there LITERALLY is a Satan and maybe he has promised the top DemonRats that they will be Princes in Hell??

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