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Re: Why You Should Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19 

By: oldCADuser in FFFT3 | Recommend this post (2)
Sun, 11 Apr 21 10:00 PM | 29 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Food For Further Thought 3
Msg. 64105 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 64102 by hydro_gen)

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So why is it that when I do a Google search on Dr. Alessandro Santin all that comes-up is his work as an oncologist? You'd think that if what you say is so amazing that I would've gotten a bunch of hits related to COVID, but I only got ONE and that was an advert out of Jamaica selling some snake oil cure for COVID based on some kind of tea. That was it. Everything else seemed to mention only his work as it deals with cancer.



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Re: Why You Should Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
By: hydro_gen
in FFFT3
Sun, 11 Apr 21 9:35 PM
Msg. 64102 of 65535

My 1st and last post as I do not associate with folks of your ilk yet your ignorant comment was brought to my attention.

Perhaps your angst might be redirected to these PROFESSORS OF MEDICINE who know a tad bit more than you unless I missed your medical credentials?

I just read the link you posted and I noticed a glaring omission. Pfizer and Moderna got their emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA in December to become the first two COVID-19 vaccines rolled out in the United States. An EUA does not equate to an FDA approval.

This is not a vaccine. This is an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope, that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. mRNA has NEVER been tested or used on Humans. EVER. In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats’ own immune system. The virus multiplied unchallenged and all animals involved in the experiment died from various causes. This leads to ADE Antibody-dependent amplification and/or Cytokine storm syndrome.

As I stated previously vaccines actually are a legally defined term, and they’re a legally defined term under public health law, they’re legally defined term under the CDC and FDA standards. And a vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person who is receiving it, but it also has to disrupt transmission.

Here is a quick read, if you are capable, yet based on your moronic statement your position is already untennable. I seriously doubt that you can comprehend these simple facts as you have drank the MSM covid "fear porn" koolaide.

You are right about one thing. DO not listen to me. Listen to the Doctors who are using this treatment.

PEACE and good day!!


Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID

A Yale University professor and renowned cancer researcher has pored over the COVID-19 literature and treated several dozen patients. He can remain silent no longer.

Dr. Alessandro Santin, a practicing oncologist and scientist who runs a large laboratory at Yale, believes firmly that ivermectin could vastly cut suffering from COVID-19. Santin joins a growing group of doctors committed to using the safe, generic drug both as an early home treatment to prevent hospitalization and alongside inpatient treatments like steroids and oxygen.

“The bottom line is that ivermectin works. I’ve seen that in my patients as well as treating my own family in Italy,” Santin said in an interview, referring to his father, 88, who recently suffered a serious bout of COVID. “We must find a way to administer it on a large scale to a lot of people.”

Santin’s statements carry the prestige of a leadership position at Yale School of Medicine and the gravitas of a top uterine cancer researcher, who has authored more than 250 science journal articles and pioneered treatment, used worldwide, for the most aggressive form of uterine cancer. At Yale, he is an OB/GYN professor, team leader in gynecologic oncology at the Smilow Comprehensive Cancer Center, and co-chief of gynecologic oncology.

Improvement Across the Board

When COVID came along, Santin began reading about how best he might help his cancer patients, 10 to 20 percent of whom were coming in infected with COVID. He began using ivermectin after the National Institutes of Health changed its advisory in January to allow the drug’s use outside of COVID trials.

Santin’s endorsement is not only important but broad. He said he has seen ivermectin work at every stage of COVID — preventing it, eliminating early infection, quelling the destructive cytokine storm in late infection, and helping about a dozen patients so far who suffered months after COVID. One of them is an athlete and mother of two, 39, who had been disabled by post-COVID chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue; she confirmed in an email to me her joy at being able to walk up a hill again and breathing better within 72 hours of her first dose.

“When you have people that can’t breathe for five, six, eight, nine months and they tried multiple drugs and supplements with no success, and you give them ivermectin,” Dr. Santin said of long-haul patients, “and you see that they start immediately feeling better, this is not placebo. This is real.”

The majority of patients improved within one to three days, he said, particularly those with breathing problems, debilitating fatigue and chest pain. Two draft studies from Peru have reported improvement with ivermectin in long-haul patients; several physicians, like Santin, have also had anecdotal success.

Beyond his outpatients, Santin has treated family members and friends infected with COVID in both his home community in Connecticut and in his native Italy via telemedicine. There, he prescribed ivermectin to more than 15 families, in which parents, children or others had became infected; the goal was both to treat early and prevent severe COVID, as studies have shown ivermectin does.

“I have not a single one that right now had to go to the hospital to receive oxygen,” he said. “I have no doubt ivermectin saved my 88-year-old father’s life.” His father survived COVID despite high blood pressure, cardiac disease that led previously to seven stents and open heart surgery, and lung problems. “If I can save you,” he said referring to his father, “I can tell you, I save anybody.”

Santin said he has also consulted on inpatient care with a colleague at a hospital in his native Brescia, one of the cities hardest hit by COVID in Italy.

Two Italian newspapers first reported Dr. Santin’s experience with ivermectin, on March 5 and March 18. In the first article, he told the newspaper il Fatto Quotidiano, “Ivermectin can really be the game-changer against COVID-19.” He reported seeing cancer patients “radically improve their shortness of breath and oxygenation” within 24 to 48 hours of their first dose.

In a subsequent article in Affaritaliani newspaper, he described his surprise after first reading the body of 40 positive ivermectin studies and then using the drug on patients. “I did not expect that a drug approved over 35 years ago with other indications [namely to treat parasitic worms and scabies] could really be so effective and well tolerated in COVID patients,” he said.

In both articles and in my interview, Santin pointed to the crucial advocacy of Dr. Pierre Kory, an ICU specialist and perhaps the nation’s strongest voice for ivermectin as president of Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

Doctors: Read the Research

Kory said Santin’s experience is typical of doctors who take time to scour the new ivermectin research. “I’m just so encouraged that other thoughtful clinicians are able to assess, to investigate, to look at the evidence and make a judgment on the risk-benefit analysis,” he said of Santin.

Both physicians faulted doctors who don’t read emerging science and instead follow rigid hospital protocols; these notably leave out ivermectin, even though the drug has now been given the same neutral NIH recommendation as monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma.

As a result, newly diagnosed COVID patients are typically told, as they have been for a year: Go home, take acetaminophen perhaps, and go to the hospital when breathing gets tough. In other words, get sicker before you get care.

But even hospital care has huge gaps. “When you are an inpatient with severe COVID right now, “ Santin said, “you give them a steroid, you give them heparin and remdesivir. That’s it. If they improve, great. If they get worse, you unfortunately keep on watching them die.”
“I was very disappointed, and I’m still very disappointed, about the treatment protocols that we currently are providing to patients,” he said. This is why, he told me, he has decided to speak out.

Kory and Santin differ in one respect. Kory believes long-haul syndrome is driven largely by inflammation; Santin sees a significant role for persistent infection, namely live lingering viruses.
In the scheme of things, this is a small issue. The key to halting COVID is to use the drug, both doctors agree. Instead, mainstream medicine, the press and public health officials in the U.S. and Europe ignore it, while India, Bangladesh, Peru, the Czech Republic, and other countries reap its benefits.

Put Focus On Therapies

The Western approach to long-haul COVID is a case in point. Studies at many university centers are focused in general not on treatment therapies but on defining the long-haul syndrome. As a result, Kory said, patients with cognitive issues, pain, breathing and heart problems are referred to specialists with few tools to help them. This may be understandable given that long-haul research is scant and raw.

But for doctors like Santin and Kory, existing safety data and clinical research gives ample reason to try ivermectin at every stage, including in the 10 percent who have what the FLCCC calls “persistent, vexing, and even disabling symptoms after recovery.” 

Fred Wagshul, a pulmonologist in Dayton, Ohio, tried ivermectin for five to seven days in what he called “true long-haulers.” Most reported significant improvement in days. Similarly, Peruvian researcher, Gustavo Aguirre-Chang, reported on 33 long-haul patients who were given ivermectin one to three months after resolution; 88 percent got better with two daily doses.

The Story of Sam Dann

Sam Dann is the poster boy for what COVID can do to a muscular, active 41-year-old and regular jogger. Like many other patients, he was sent home after a positive test last July with the advice to “drink Gatorade and take Tylenol.”

Over the next months, “I went through an absolute living hell,” he told me, that was worse than three tours in Iraq.

After the initial bout of infection, he experienced crippling fatigue, anxiety, sleeplessness and nightmares, uncontrollable tremors, a racing heartbeat, and an inability to think straight or recall basic information. He could not work.

Some six months into his grueling odyssey, Dann went to Dr. Bruce Boros, a Key West, Florida, cardiologist and urgent care center owner who, after treating about 200 patients with ivermectin, is now offering it prophylactically. There, Dann got a 10-day prescription for ivermectin.

The vertigo went away almost immediately. The tremors calmed. The nights were difficult but gradually improved. The pain went from 8, on a scale of 10, to 1 to 3. “I still get weird feelings here and there,” he told me, “but I’m nowhere where I used to be.”

Despite stories like this, every day in the United States and elsewhere, we are minting new long-haul patients just like Sam Dann. Said Dann, “There are a lot of dead people because they refused to acknowledge this drug’s usage.”

Santin’s advice to doctors who unquestioningly follow COVID protocols is this:
“Use your brain. If your patient is dying, change something, try to do something more.”

Of ivermectin, he said, “It’s safe, it’s cheap and it works.”

Professor Thomas Borody

Australian radio host Luke Bona interviewed this August 12 (2020) Professor Thomas Borody, from the Centre for Digestive Diseases in Sydney, Australia, about Ivermectin-based therapies for COVID-19.
Based on existing research and his analysis of therapeutic results using Ivermectin in combination with 2 other widely available generic drugs – Doxycycline and Zinc -, he asserts that COVID-19 is now curable and even easier to treat than the flu.

Here are some excerpts.

“We came up with a treatment that is simple, safe, and can get rid of the coronavirus in almost all patients treated within 6 to 10 days.”

“It can treat and get rid, within 6 to 10 days, of the coronavirus”

“It is an easy, very easy virus to cure, when you combine the dosage we have described, because it inhibits the growth of the bug. It just goes away, and you no longer can find it in an infected person.”

Q: “Why aren’t we treating every elderly person in every health care facility, in every aged care facility with this?

“There is no drug company behind it. There are no people who are lobbying government and giving donations for reelections and so forth. I don’t know the answer.”
“It also happened when I developed the tritherapy (for H. Pilory infection), because there was no company behind that. It took 26 years… Those people who otherwise would now be dying from bleeding ulcers stopped bleeding, stopped dying…”

“This is the same sort of situation I think. It’s hard to get traction when there is no big payback, no payout to a large company.”

Q: “I understand there are clinical trials of this ivermectin therapy going on in 32 countries”

“The important ones have already been done. The drugs that we use are all approved by the TGA and the FDA. So tomorrow you can write a script for it, because they are approved for other reasons.” (note: TGA stands for Therapeutic Goods Administration)

“The trials that I know of … have been done in places where there are a lot of coronavirus patients…”

“In Bangladesh, 60 out of 60 were cured.“

“That’s not easy to believe, because it’s just too good too be true.”

“In China, they compared coronavirus treatment with either ivermectin mixed, or hydroxychloroquine mixed.”

“Hydroxychloroquine is not a bad drug when you combine it with azithromycin. They got 96.3% cure”

“But with ivermectin, it was 100%.”

Q: “Have you spoken directly to Greg Hunt?” (Australia’s health minister)

“No I haven’t been able to get through.”

“I don’t blame him at all. Things go to his advisers…. The advisers are not experts in this field… They don’t read the journals, the articles….

As Boorstin said, ‘One of the great obstacles to discovery, it’s not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge." (MY comment: THIS is such a fitting statement!!!)

“They have the illusion of knowledge. They think they know. They say you have to go to animal studies first, pre-clinical, not knowing you don’t need to do trials on approved drugs.”

Q: “Professor, where do we go from here, how do we get this happening?”

“I would very much like to see … teams set up that would quickly treat all the infected Victorians…”
“We need to treat Victorians today, because we have a therapy which will give people hope.”
“In the future, we will not need to worry if we get positivity.”
“You get treated immediately, you don’t need to go to the hospital.”
“It’s easier than treating the flu now.”
“You can actually eradicate it.”
“You can’t eradicate Hepatitis C that easily. HIV we cannot. Here we use a bunch of drugs, and the bug disappears…”

“We know it’s curable.”

Professor Borody is most famous for his ground-breaking work developing the triple therapy cure for peptic ulcers in 1987, which has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the Australian health system more than $10 billion in medical care and operations.

Professor Borody founded the Centre for Digestive Diseases (CDD) in 1984 after a distinguished career with leading hospitals including St Vincent’s in Sydney and the Mayo Clinic in the USA.

He is a world-renowned leader in the clinical microbiota dating back to 1988 when he started performing what is now called Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT).

Professor Borody holds over 150 patents in areas such as; treatment of Helicobacter pylori, Crohn’s disease, bowel lavage, IBS and FMT.

VIDEO LINKS to the interview:

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