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Re: From the blog of Tom Toles... 

By: oldCADuser in FFFT3 | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 21 Jul 18 11:56 AM | 38 view(s)
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Msg. 44493 of 65535
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From the blog of Tom Toles...
By: oldCADuser
in FFFT3
Sat, 21 Jul 18 11:24 AM
Msg. 44487 of 65535

Republicans can explain which things are more important than America

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by Tom Toles

Here’s an interesting tweet from GOP strategist Mike Murphy the other day delving into the Republican conscience. “I’m furious Republicans are cowardly about [President] Trump. But here is what they say in private: 1.) Trump is a disgrace. 2.) I give fiery press conference tomorrow saying that. 3.) Nothing changes, Trump remains nuts and remains POTUS. 4.) A nut beats me in next primary. So how does my political suicide help?”

Let’s start with the disgrace part. In addition to his constant lying and his inability to properly prepare for or explain afterward what the hell he is doing, he is selling out American interests to Russian interests in a brazen, humiliating and completely public way. So let’s add “dangerous” to “disgrace.” But whereas most Americans consider this sort of thing somewhere between unacceptable and treasonous, Republicans have a more nuanced take on it. Dare we call their attitude “moral relativism”? Why, yes, let’s. They have relished hurling that phrase at liberals for a long time, so let’s now return to sender.

You see, the Republicans consider some things more important than saving America from a dangerous disgrace. Possibly having to give up a nice job in Washington is one of those things. Another of those things, apparently, is actually stopping the dangerous disgrace. Is there nothing a Republican could do to stop Trump? Is the only option to “give a fiery press conference”? Um, no. Here are a few other things they could do.

They could stop using congressional hearings to throw mud on American law enforcement looking into possible disgraceful collusion with Russia. They could instead show some actual support for the investigation and back that up with legislation protecting the special counsel.

Oh, and here’s one other thing. Two — that’s right, two — Republican senators could cross the aisle and caucus with the Democrats. In a show of patriotism that actually would put country ahead of party. Two. Only two. Any two. This might actually put a genuine crimp in Trump’s governing power. I can’t see why they “wouldn’t.” Or is that “would”?

As it turns out, party comes first. Dismantling health care comes first. Tax cuts for the rich come first. Saving one’s job comes first.

Yes, Trump is a disgrace. And he has lots of company.


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