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Kellyanne Conway, Conservative Snowflake

By: clo in FFFT3 | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 24 Apr 18 9:26 PM | 55 view(s)
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Kellyanne Conway, Conservative Snowflake

The walls are closing in on the White House, so she took massive umbrage at a totally fair question to paint herself as the victim of a sexism that doesn’t exist.

04.24.18 4:34 AM ET

Conservatives never tire of calling liberals “snowflakes,” but this Kellyanne Conway-Dana Bash kerfuffle proves once again that America’s most fragile snowflakes are conservatives.

Sunday morning on CNN, Bash asked Conway about the anti-Trump tweets issued by her husband, George, and Conway went ballistic. “It’s fascinating to me that CNN would go there,” Conway said. “But it’s very good for the whole world to just witness that it’s now fair game how people’s spouses and significant others may differ with them.” On and on she went. She made it a gender issue when Bash said she’d have asked the same thing of a man and Conway countered that Bash would not have.

Great TV, and in some ways a good answer. Conway has a point that people in public life shouldn’t be held responsible for things their spouses say. And it sure looked prepared, as if she’d just been waiting for someone in the fake-news game to ask it so she could unload and sent the Twitter needles into the red.

But come on. It was a totally reasonable and legitimate question, as Bash told my colleague Matt Wilstein Monday . Kellyanne Conway was relying on your average CNN viewer having no idea who her husband is. And indeed, if George Conway were some legal services attorney trying to save poor people from their eviction notices who had nothing to do with politics, then Bash’s question would have been out of line.

But George Conway is an intensely political figure. He’s been a conservative power-lawyer in Washington for more than two decades. He was reportedly considered for more than one top spot in the Trump administration. Most interestingly, he was a key player in the late 1990s in the laying of the famous perjury trap for Bill Clinton. He was one of the right-wing so-called “elves,” a group that also included Ann Coulter, trying to find ways to lay Clinton low.

In early 1998, Conway found one. He was present at a fateful dinner in Philadelphia where he was one of three outside lawyers who met with a deputy of independent counsel Ken Starr and told him the whole tale of Clinton’s involvement with Monica Lewinsky. In other words, were it not for George Conway and the two other lawyers at that dinner, Ken Starr might never have known the name Lewinsky, and the whole impeachment saga never would have happened. (Kellyanne and George knew each other in those days and married in 2001.)

If a guy like that is sending out anti-Trump tweets while his wife is going on TV serially offering alternative facts in defense of the President, it’s bound to pique the interest of people around Washington. I don’t know if you’d call it Capital-N News, but it’s certainly fair game for an end-of-segment question on a Sunday show.




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