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Re: ZZFARTm haha U just dont get it....Shut your pottie mouth and your post will stay. 

By: Decomposed in BAF | Recommend this post (4)
Sat, 17 Mar 18 5:10 PM | 99 view(s)
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Msg. 01609 of 06527
(This msg. is a reply to 01607 by zzstar)

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Re: “You should be gone for just this post you made”

As you know perfectly well, nobody is "gone" - including you.

While which messages to delete are a judgement call that can be debated endlessly, some are more obvious than others. In your most recent post, #1608, you said nothing except "You are a white-trash POS." It was offensive. It was name-calling. It contained no value. That decision was open and shut. I deleted the post.

In Nemo's post #1604, he referred to you as "That POS zzfart." Am I a hypocrite for not deleting it too? You'll say "yes," but I don't think so. His post went on to say that you are "walking a thin line here. I delete when it calls names or is just a dick............"

There's value in Nemo's post that wasn't present in yours. Your post therefore went bye-bye while Nemo's did not.

What you should garner from this is that if you must insult someone, at least make it a minor part of a post that otherwise has value.

That said, had either post contained harsher language than "POS," the odds of deletion would have gone way up regardless of whatever value the post may have otherwise held. Bob has been quite clear about the words he doesn't want used on his forum.

If you still don't understand, then you're out of luck. Your comprehension problems, as well as your apparent conviction that liberals are friends and conservatives are enemies, are a big part of why you're held in low regard on all of the boards.

Liberals are nobody's friend, while most conservatives have genuine concern for the welfare of others - barring only outspoken liberals who are generally recognized as self-serving troublemakers. In your heart, you know this. There's a reason why you're here, posting to BAF, instead of wasting your time on ALEA. We'll at least have real conversations with you. That doesn't happen much on FART3 or ever on ALEA, right? What you're observing is that conservatives are more interested in other people than liberals are. We're also more rational, honest, and open to changes (when they are good ones) than liberals are. Learn those lessons and you might just make some friends. In that regard, I believe you to be sadly unfulfilled.


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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: ZZFARTm haha U just dont get it....Shut your pottie mouth and your post will stay.
By: zzstar
in BAF
Sat, 17 Mar 18 11:47 AM
Msg. 01607 of 06527

You should be gone for just this post you made, calling names.......pot kettle black.

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