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Re: not being issued a weapon until you pass a class and demonstrate that you're qualified to shoot it... 

By: Zimbler0 in BAF | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 10 Mar 18 12:19 AM | 42 view(s)
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Msg. 01412 of 06527
(This msg. is a reply to 01400 by micro)

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Micro> Again, if you could please explain exactly what we are missing from this ruling that would be great.

It appears ZZ wants to believe what he wants to
believe . . and truths and facts will not deter him.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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Re: not being issued a weapon until you pass a class and demonstrate that you're qualified to shoot it...
By: micro
in BAF
Fri, 09 Mar 18 9:06 PM
Msg. 01400 of 06527


Could you please explain to me what you mean that we are talking "around the ruling". I really do not understand what you mean by that. And perhaps that is part of the problem...

Reading the ruling myself, it states:
"The second amendment protects an INDIVIDUALS RIGHT to possess (own), a firearm "UNCONNECTED with service in a militia" for TRADITIONALLY LAWFUL PURPOSES.

IN other words, no military firearms but as long as you uphold and obey the laws you are entitled to have a firearm for LAWFUL purposes 

JUST NOT A MILITARY FULL AUTO ASSAULT RIFLE like a machine gun, or M-16 or others that perform the same way.

The ruling goes on to say that "The District of COlumbia's rules they imposed on citizens requiring them to have thier lawfully owned rifles and shotguns to be unloaded, disassembled or bound by a trigger lock" was a violation of the GUARANTEES of the SECOND AMENDMENT and therefore is un-enforcible. The HANDGUN BAN was also ruled to be in violation of the second amendment.

SO, knowing that private citizens are not legally allowed to have FULL AUTO military weapons, but are allowed to have semi-auto rifles, shotguns, handguns, where is the problem ???

That is what is occurring right now. EVERYONE who purchases LEGALLY a firearm is supposed to go through a background check with the information furnished by the FBI. That is how it works.

Don't worry about the future. You nor I nor anyone else is a fortune teller and you may find later that just the opposite could and likely would happen.

SO, I am at a loss of understanding of what are you saying that I missed by this decision????

The SCOTUS ruled in favor of Heller, not the gun grabbers from the District of Columbia, and upheld a citizen's right to own, possess firearms that are not MILITARY weapons...

AN AR-15 IS NOT a military weapon.... NOT EVEN CLOSE..

THAT I believe is where the anti-gun folks fall short. They do not do their own research as to exactly WHAT an AR-15 really is , how it operates, and compare its FUNCTION to that of other semi-automatic rifles that ALSO are NOT military grade weapons and rifles....

An AR is not a full auto rifle.

Again, if you could please explain exactly what we are missing from this ruling that would be great.

Thanks in advance!

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