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ABC's Martha Raddatz isn't the only stupid, terrorist-loving cow, either - enter NYT's Maggie Haberman - MOOOOO!!! 

By: Beldin in FAKE NEWS | Recommend this post (2)
Mon, 13 Jan 20 10:00 PM | 2757 view(s)
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NYT's Haberman: Trump Calling Out Fake News Just Like Iran Persecuting Journalists!


By Kristine Marsh
January 13, 2020

While journalists live in their own media echo chamber most of the time, occasionally they'll get a healthy dose of reality when they share their self-aggrandizing opinions on social media. That happened to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman this past weekend when she whined about President Trump defending Iranian journalists and protesters against their totalitarian government.

As Iran reacted violently against protesters of the regime this weekend, President Trump called on Iran's leaders to let journalists "roam free." He also warned Iran to stop killing protesters. Just this past November, 1500 protesters were reportedly killed and 7000 people arrested.

Still, the media downplayed these anti-regime protests because they fly in the face of the liberal media's narrative that by killing Qasem Soleimani, Trump "united" Iran. New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman showed just how sensitive journalists here are to President Trump's criticism of their poor reporting. In a tweet to Trump, she tried to equate how he calls the press "enemy of the people" to Iran's Islamic Republic jailing and torturing critical journalists. On January 12, she snarked at the President, "Let reporters roam free" says the president, who routinely refers to the US press as 'enemy of the people,' to Iranian leaders."

That hot take wasn't received well. Mockery ensued, with critics asking Haberman, to list how many journalists Trump had jailed or tortured ...

Yeah, Maggie ... you asinine, drippy snowflake ... you continue to be free to spew your preposterous propaganda without any fear of harm. Try going over to Iran and publishing criticism of the mullahs, dearie ... you'd be jailed or dead in no time flat.

Here's more coverage of the proper dressing down you received for your stupidity, Maggie ... 




The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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