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Re: beldin - Trump Raises the Stakes With CNN

By: Beldin in CONSTITUTION | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 17 Nov 18 12:39 AM | 129 view(s)
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Msg. 21800 of 21975
(This msg. is a reply to 21797 by kathy_s17)

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Here is the distinction for me, Kathy ... The White House ... of any presidential administration ... should NOT attempt to ban any legitimate, domestic news reporting organization from press conferences - unless there are simply so many applicants that you don't have enough room for them all, and then, you should rotate them among the various conferences so they all have a chance to be represented. HOWEVER, any specific person from one of these news reporting organizations who misbehave in a disruptive manner at these press conferences ... especially with malicious intent like lil' Jimmy Poo ... is a whole different matter ... such malcontents should be thrown out on their ear. But, if you are forced to remove such an asshole, then you should allow that news reporting organization to find a mature, rational adult to replace them.

Lil' Barry Soetoro ... another infantile attention whore ... tried to blackball Fox News ... NOT just one employee of Fox News, but en masse. That was wrong. Several of the lamestream media networks helped talk him out of it, but they didn't go out of their way to deservedly castigate Soetoro publicly. But, now enter President Trump ... the focus of their hysterical hatred. He simply removes ONE badly behaving employee of ONE news reporting organization and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! The lamestream media goes stark raving berserk and starts proclaiming the END OF THE WORLD!

No ... lil' Jimmy Poo richly deserves to be kicked out and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT - including everybody at CNN. If you want to complain about a POTUS behaving like a tyrant towards one journalist, the best example is Barry Soetoro siccing the power of the U.S. government on James Rosen of Fox News. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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The above is a reply to the following message:
beldin - Trump Raises the Stakes With CNN
By: kathy_s17
Fri, 16 Nov 18 11:54 PM
Msg. 21797 of 21975

Pat Buchanan

Posted: Nov 16, 2018 12:01 AM

Some excerpts, beldin - important, to me anyway:

Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights had been violated, said CNN. The demand: Acosta's press pass must be returned immediately and his White House press privileges restored.

"If left unchallenged," CNN warned, "the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials." A dozen news organizations, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, are filing amicus briefs on CNN's behalf.


Justice Department lawyer James Burnham declared in court: "If the president wants to exclude all reporters from the White House grounds, he clearly has the authority to do that."

The First Amendment guarantees CNN reporters and anchors the right to say what they wish about Trump. It does not entitle Acosta to a front-row seat in the White House briefing room or the right to grill the president at East Room press conferences.


Unfortunately, this has become necessary:

The White House should set down rules of conduct for reporters in the briefing room, and if reporters repeatedly violate them, that should cost them their chairs and, in cases like Acosta's, their credentials.

Thx, B.

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